Cecilia D'Anastasio's discussions

Cecilia D'Anastasio
Senior reporter at Kotaku.

Hey, I actually don’t pull people off ledges as Roadhog. I know I talk a lot about my never-ending quest to climb the SR ladder, and this is a little self-contradictory, but I just don’t think that hook pull is fair and never do it. Read more

Happy to hear it! I’ve seen Tatami Galaxy too, and actually much preferred the movie’s take on those characters + the world. Didn’t mention in the review because it’s a little niche, so I’m glad you mentioned it here. Read more

Hi everyone. I made a mistake reporting this. It’s inexcusable. I attributed something controversial Taimou said to Xqc. I regret the error, a lot. My sincerest apologies. Read more

Hey, thanks for the read and the thoughtful comment! I didn’t mean to imply that gaming is “never” the problem. Sure, the great majority of my sources said it wasn’t theirs. However, I spoke with a few who were never diagnosed with other mental health conditions/had relatively stable lives, but got hooked on loot Read more

Yeah, I agree with you, Michael. Lots of different kinds of games exist for lots of different audiences, but I think it’s important not to talk out of both sides of your mouth. Also, the game takes place in the 16th century, which would have been a cool opportunity for devs to make an awesome 16th century ensemble for Read more

Yeah, I’m absolutely not surprised about this news for the same reason. It’s just not a money-sink, like CCGs. And I liked that about it. You only need 4 Android: Netrunner decks (2x Corp, 2x Runner) to have a fucking phenomenal time with that game for years. The play is so deep and nuanced that it takes a while to Read more

Yeah, these are a big thing! I’ve got a projector hooked up to a PC in my living room. Plug in a few Xbox controllers and I’m good to go! Read more

don’t tell me Farfetch’d wasn’t made specifically to toss in a pot of boiling water