Cecilia D'Anastasio's discussions

Cecilia D'Anastasio
Senior reporter at Kotaku.

I feel pretty strongly about this, haha. Smash 4 is a great game, but it just has too many bells and whistles. Did you know it has a board game mode?? And all those DLC characters.... it’s so wack. I like my fighting games to be fighting games, with deep but manageable content. Would be thrilled if the next Smash Read more

Hey, that’s super important. I’ve made and noted the correction. Appreciate it. Read more

I’m sure many of you will ask in the comments why this is relevant to video games. I’ll expand on my answer to that question from our last AMA: Politics are in everything, including video games. Developers make decisions about breast physics, how to depict black men, what body type indicates male strength, whether to Read more

Ah, in my broken state, I forgot my current favorite, Uexkull the bunny from Flip Flappers, who has no impact at all on this transcendent pain.