Brian Ashcraft's saved articles

Brian Ashcraft
Originally from Texas, Ashcraft has called Osaka home since 2001. He has authored six books, including most recently, The Japanese Sake Bible.

Sooo they don’t deny severely beating him but instead are saying he got in to the car of his own accord? Because that makes it better somehow? Good grief. Read more

I get it, but it feels sad compared to how Nintendo continued to offer Famicom repairs until 2007.  Continuing that long was ridiculous, but it felt like one of the ways Nintendo was more personable than the other companies. Read more

I am still astounded that the Wii’s operating system was much faster than the Wii U’s. Even switching to the Wii Mode in the console still took like three minutes of loading time. Read more

Yeah... just jack those 80's 90's characters straight into my veins. I don’t think anime has gotten worse or anything, but that older style really speaks to me.
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Come on Brian, there are kids that read Kotaku.

I would love to eat one of these adult cream pies in my Subaru FUCKS Read more

A plain red shirt is admittedly also much easier to animate than one with a distinct pattern like that on it. Read more

“I hate this kid,” he wrote in a now-deleted tweet about Thunberg, reports NicoNico. “If I pulled the strings that controlled the world, I would like to snatch everything away from her, knock her into the dregs of hope, and sneer.” Read more

Also, imagine feeling so threatened by a young woman who is trying to do good for you and the entire planet that you spew that kind of idiocy.

These porters are too courageous to carry that load onto mountains! I would be so scared because of the possibility of falling... Read more

The High Tatra mountains in Slovakia:

Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons. Read more

There are like two things in life worth waiting in line for, and “the privilege of shopping in a store” ain’t one of them. Read more

My friend asked if I wanted to go this past weekend. My first response, “ARE YOU NUTS”. My second response, “HELL NO!” I’ll give it some time and go on a rainy weekday.
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Almost certainly Chun-Li - the white ribbon seals it. Yes, there are white headband versions of Ryu but, even with those, they rarely ‘flow’ like that and the red version is much more iconic and common.  Read more

It should be pointed out that tons and tons of Hong Kong protest videos on YouTube seem to be immune to the great firewall and all comments are super pro-chinese government. Some of those “Kojima is really pro Hong Kong police” tweets are probably paid shills meant to sow division and shit stir online. Read more