Yeah I dunno about you guys, but I could never consume media created by people who do drugs. Read more
I am impressed with his work. I too have figmas, and sometimes I can even move them around the shelf I keep them on without knocking them off their little plastic stands. Truly we are contemporaries.
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The animation quality of Quintessential Quintuplets has been average. It’s not the worst thing I’ve ever seen, and conversely it’s not about to make me weep from the beauty of any of its shots. As the quoted tweet points out, it’s clear they spent most of their budget on the voice cast, which as a whole, has been… Read more
Sure, the movies were released and funded by a Hollywood company, but Peter Jackson, a New Zealand native, made the films in his home country with his Wellington-based studio. Plus, J. R. R. Tolkien was British. But Miyazaki seems to be grouping all of the Western into a singular Hollywood or, even, “American” lump. Read more
In consider him having some of these views. It is clear in his work that he does not care for large scale war, often criticizing it in various ways through films like Nausica, Princess Mononoke, Howle’s Moving Caste. Plus in most his works the antagonist is not some evil incarnate and is much more nuanced. Read more
Don’t you wonder what anime art will look like in 2030
You Are (Not) A Klepto Read more
And how does this justify the insane, incredibly regressive laws surrounding this issue? Read more
Your simple-minded prohibitionist attitude doesn’t mean the British forced anyone to use British opium any more than the Chinese forced the British to use Chinese tea. You might as well claim that Mexico is forcing the US to use drugs manufactured there.
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Sounds like the exact same reason that smoking is still legal. We know it kills, we know it’s an infringement on the rights of everyone else who doesn’t smoke. We know there’s litter from smokers everywhere. But it’s still legal because the government makes an insane amount of money from taxing it.
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Toyota’s Julie Hamp did not have a prescription. Or rather, she did not have a prescription from a Japanese doctor, which is the same as not having a prescription. Japanese doctors aren’t even allowed to give prescriptions exceeding 30 days’ worth of medicine. If you have a foreign prescription, you can bring in… Read more
yet you can drink yourself to blackout and pass out on the steps of the train station and nobody bats an eyelash Read more
“and that prejudice is also frequently extended to stuff like ritalin and antidepressants and even hormone replacement therapy and holy shit dude” Read more
On a hunch, I thought, “Gee, I bet this attitude is related to the US occupation post WWII.” Read more
It absolutely blows my mind that Japanese drug discourse makes DARE look evidence-based. A friend who lives in Tokyo told me a while back that the overwhelming mainstream perception of drugs in Japan is that being at all involved with that stuff automatically means you’re a straight up evil person, and that prejudice… Read more
Aw Brian hell yeah dude!!!! I love this album. For me, “I Never Want to See You Again” is my favorite track, but this one is terrific too.