Brian Ashcraft's saved articles

Brian Ashcraft
Originally from Texas, Ashcraft has called Osaka home since 2001. He has authored six books, including most recently, The Japanese Sake Bible.

As a Japanese-American living in Japan, with a Latina wife and a “haafu” son that’s only a few months old, this one struck close to home. Read more

wait, your oldest kid is 15 already? Wow, I’ve been reading your articles for looooong. Read more

On the one hand, I’m glad this is in Retro’s hands now.

...on the other, the wait is going to be a long one, it seems.

Ah well.  Not as if we’re without a ton of stuff coming out over the next couple of years.
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“Because of what happened, the risks for a simultaneous worldwide release are high, for any games that I work on henceforth, currently I cannot help but reconsider a simultaneous worldwide release for at the very least the retail package version.” Read more

“There is no intention of whitewashing. We accept that we are not sensitive enough and will pay more attention to diversity issues in the future.” Read more

All I hear is Pokemon fans considering the possibility of Pikachu also being a pretty potent fire type...
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“You know what else is silent but deadly?”
“What?” Read more

less uncanny every time. Read more

Kondo’s scares me the most. Look at her. Not a hint of malice. As if Sasuke was just a stain on the wall that needed cleaning.
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Goofuto does not approve.

I actually knew about her long before the Netflix show. We have adapter her folding techniques for clothing, and saved tons of space in our small apartment.
Really, I think most of her tips are making everyday life easier. If you hoard less stuff, you have less stuff that blocks you from properly cleaning your house, Read more

I did something like this years ago. I had piles of books (not a backlog though, that seems weird to me, I buy a book I’m reading within a week of purchase). Read more

Ten years ago I would have haughtily rolled my eyes at this. Growing up, I wanted two things out of life to consider myself successful: a small personal library juuuust big enough to have a ladder on rails and a high backed leather chair looking out of a window (and a garage with a lift in it, but that’s not really Read more

This is both horrific and infuriating. It also hits way too close to home—after being the victim of assault, being made to feel as though I was the one that had done something wrong. To have to deal with this so publicly... I can’t even imagine, and my heart goes out to her. If it’s true that another group member gave Read more

Thanks for including all the details like that. Sucks that a simple traditional new years shrine visit results in angry responses without even trying to understand the situation. Like the article states, most people and companies that go, go to the nearest one. No greater meaning behind it, not because it stands for Read more

Oh man.  I LOVED MD back in the day.  I used to use it to record live shows in college (with permission of course) by plugging into the sound board.  I loved the versatility of the format.  I even went so far as to put a MD head unit in my car at the time.  It was a shame it never caught on here.  Just another great Read more

Lots of good stories here, but I think the one about the cultural implications of Labo is my favourite.  ^_^ Read more

I almost wish they used some western celebrity persona in western localization. Imagine being able to do all the mentioned things with someone famous. Will Smith maybe? He gets the vibe of attorney/detective that would really feel interesting in those situation mentioned. Or for total lulz put in Trump there. That Read more