Brian Ashcraft's discussions

Brian Ashcraft

@Manly_McBeeferton: Yeah, it would be nice if they'ed bother to upgrade the graphics in some ways more meaningful than adding reflective water. It's not as if serious graphical upgrades in MMO are unprecedented. Read more

Does anyone else think the character models look really, really awkward? People's torsos seem way too long and their heads too small. Read more

This is on a Japanese site, so I'm assuming this is the Japanese version of the game. So rather than the PS3 version being censored, it makes more sense to look at this as the 360 version being uncensored, since this'll be the first time the uncensored version comes out in Japan. Read more

Sure, you can't argue that something like this is objectively true. You can, however, attempt to discredit the person who you disagree with. For example: This guy actually thinks Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland was a good movie. Good lord. Read more

"We're going to create 10 to 12 characters, and we want each of them to be really different." Read more

@-Tachyon-: The "RPG" was presumably the journalist's rather large camera that he was holding as the helicopter circled around the building. The guns were also probably cameras with straps. Read more

The best Final Fantasy? Really? I mean it's probably not the worst one in the series but best? uhg.... Read more

@rekenner: Sorry, I guess my point is that it's kind of ruined by saying "Happy April Fools" in the same paragraph. Read more

@Komrade Kayce: Yeah, it'd be nice if they'd make it an option on every video instead of just the featured ones. having to stick &textp=fool to the end of every url gets old fast. Read more

"By using text-only mode, you are saving YouTube $1 a second in bandwidth costs. Click here to go back to regular YouTube and happy April Fools Day!" Read more

@Đipic: That's the website domain's whois information which is publicly available. It could easily be fake assuming the hacker isn't a complete idiot. That said, a lot of hackers ARE complete idiots so you never know. Read more

Hmmm.... nope. If Nintendo wants me to buy a new DS they should make the damn thing properly support WPA. Don't tell me old game's can't support it. If some hackers working in their basement can make SNES and N64 emulators that work online, Nintendo can figure out how to pipe the old wifi system through the DSi's on Read more

I'm still not buying this 'till they put U R MR GAY back in. Read more

Modern Warfare 2's ad campaign so far has just made me want to play the game less, not more. You know what would really help cure you're silly little pun of a disease, Activision? Letting people make their own maps instead of of shelling out $15 for a couple every few months. Hell, even letting people choose their own Read more

@Scazza: I still can't. The DS is great fun, but I wouldn't really attribute that to it's design. My favorite games all just ended up using one screen as a map or menu and nothing that enjoyable came out of the touch screen capabilities either (sorry, Zelda!) Read more

Adding an age rating tot he beginning of a trailer (like game commercials do) is making a statement. An incredibly annoying and utterly ineffective age gate isn't making a statement, it's just stupid. Read more

It's a shame it still has the same awful camera as it's predecessor, but it still looks like great fun. Read more