Brian Ashcraft's discussions

Brian Ashcraft

@Manly_McBeeferton: My apologies. I guess I'm getting old. It's a pitty though. I have seen a bit of Ben10 and I was not impressed. The Pokemon games were, and still are, top quality in my opinion. Read more

Regardless of what the kid was saying, the pro's tone is incredibly inappropriate. This is supposed to be a professional, not some kid on a pokemon fan forum. Read more

@SuperMary: Mass Effect is more of an RPG than any Final Fantasy game. I do agree with you on FFXII being a disappointment though. Read more

I'm not sure I would tag a Warcraft book as "literature"... Read more

This isn't that surprising. You can only sell the same game so many times. Especially with the how the world economy has been this past year. Read more

Aren't most games in development for a year or two? This is longer than average I suppose but it's no Too Human or Duke Nukem Forever. Read more

@dowingba: Oh come on, Mass Effect 3 isn't the only game to look forward to. The Dragon Age expansion comes out in a month! Read more

@(Starman) #number258: They're making a film, not writing a lab report. It's touch to sum up an hour and a half long film in a couple words while being eye catching and memorable at the same time. Besides, regardless of if you consider it too silly or not, it's about on par for a documentary title. Read more

Why is it than when something semi-original turns out to share similarities with something else it catches a bunch of flack, but the thousands of Lord of the Rings D&D ripoffs and generic space operas get a free pass? Read more

@poboxy: Simpler interface and (I'm guessing based on their other technology) NAT traversal are reasons why this is worth noting. VNC is a pain to set up for people who aren't technically savvy. Read more

@Kent: This has piqued my interest. I'll bother reading some play impressions when it comes out at the very least. Read more

@SacGamer: So, like FF12? That's really no different from any other MMO except that you actually see the progress bar at all times. Read more

There are tons of games that don't have experience loss that are still called roguelikes, including Atlus' own Izuna games. Nice try guys but I see through your silly marketing tricks! Read more

@SacGamer: Now I'm curious, could you explain more? If by traditional FF game you mean turn based than you can officially count me out. That's been tried before in MMOs and it does not work at all. Read more

@Kent: You're absolutely right, but I find it hard to be optimistic when what we have seen so far is identical to FFXI. I'll admit that I'm a bit biased since in addition to just not liking the game I was not at all a fan of the FFXI races either. Read more