Ben Bertoli's saved articles

Ben Bertoli
Ben is an exceptionally tall freelance writer and author hailing from Indianapolis. He is the current co-host of the gaming history podcast Memory Card and is likely replaying Banjo-Kazooie right now.

I’ve read through the manga like 8 times and I’ve never been a huge fan of the anime, but I immediately knew which episode you were referring to just from the title alone. It’s so good!
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Wish I had more stars to give you Read more

As much as I loved The Critic (actually own the DVD set) I don’t think it would work these days because Bojack Horseman does pretty much the same satire of modern Hollywood, much better. Maybe have Jay show up on Bojack? That would be neat. Read more

Sym-Bionic Titan was already mentioned, so how about Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! Read more

I can understand that. I am excellent at editing other people’s work yet horrible at editing my own, usually because I’m too familiar with my own writing to know when something is wrong. Read more


Frisky Dingo is the most obscure on this list? Purely anecdotal here, obviously, but I remember that show being heavily advertised and a number of my friends talking about it both at the time and subsequently. On the other hand, I’ve never heard of Megas XLR before today. Read more

I’m not sure about the Real Monsters or King of the Hill. However, a new Courage the Cowardly dog would, in my opinion, be worthy of a revival.   Read more

Soooo glad you mentioned the Critic.

The very plausible state of Oregon. Where else could Gravity Falls be located? :)
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A lot of good choices here. But I want Symbionic Titan to get revived and finished. If CN could do it for Samurai Jack, they can do it for Symbionic Titan, which deserves it because it is awesome.
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The Last Airbender - I want an episode with a slightly older Aang and the whole gang. Read more

As much as I would love to see more Gravity Falls, they really did send it off with a fantastic final episode, and gave epilogues to the Grunkle Pines twins. It’s in a good place to preserve all that was good about it, and it was by their choice. They got to end it how they wanted to without having an emergency rush Read more


Man, Real Monsters was my jam. 11am on Sundays iirc? My sister and I would be up every morning for it. We also collected the plush toys and the action figures and so on. I may have recently bought the Funko pops for nostalgia’s sake... Read more

Frisky Dingo almost got a follow-up with the extremely short-lived (and frankly, not very good) Xtacles show which got 2 episodes and then promptly cancelled. It totally glosses over the cliffhanger ending of Frisky Dingo’s conclusion.I used to want a conclusion but the more I think about it the more I think that the Read more