Titles like Puyo Puyo Tetris and Street Fighter X Tekken prove that bringing two successful franchises together can…
Though the hype surrounding the sequel to everyone’s favorite squid fighting simulator has died down a bit, players…
With Regular Show officially out of production and Adventure Time in the midst of its final season, the head honchos…
Great article. I just recently started getting into Wario myself, which is how i happened to find this article in the first place. I bought the Wario Land games on the eShop. Sadly they only had 1,2, and 3. I guess I missed that ambassador program thing which had Wario Land 4. Luckily I can play the rom of it on my PC… Read more
Yeah, he looks dumb. His animations are lacking as well, they look very stiff. Read more
The other good thing about speedrunning is even if you never become amazing at a particular game, you’ll learn a few ways to avoid/get through more quickly the parts of a game you don’t like on casual playthroughs. Read more
no doubt, they are two of my favorite speed runners/steamers to watch, glad to see them getting the exposure they deserve.
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Not to brag, but I’m a pretty good speed runner on Super Mario. My trick is that I hold down the B-button.
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a lot of folks will recommend Megaman X as a good starting point, I personally cut my teeth on Megaman 2 for a local competition. a short game is generally going to be best, because you are going to be playing it A LOT. leaping in with a game like OoT seems like trying to learn to swim by diving into the deep end of… Read more
Okay I picked a game. Star Fox 2. What’s next? Read more
Man, Poo and Trihex have been getting a ton of publicity on Kotaku recently, like probably a combined half dozen articles in the last year alone...
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Well I’ve heard a lot of runners joke about how learning to run a game makes you hate it and that you should never run a game that you love because you’ll never play it the same way again.
So there may be something to that.
Personally, I’d run a game that I hated. It would be like getting revenge for being terrible to… Read more
SotN is a relatively popular game among the speed running community, it can be fun just to do races or randomizers with people. It can be daunting if you think the only goal of speed running a game is to hold a world record - that’s nearly impossible and is a bad metric to judge yourself on. Read more
It’s worth noting that Framemeister actually produces around 1-3 frames of latency(I’d have to double check but there is definitely latency) so probably isn’t the best choice. The newer OSSC is supposed to be lagless (though I haven’t tested it) among other features so its probably the better choice. You can get… Read more