Ben Bertoli's saved articles

Ben Bertoli
Ben is an exceptionally tall freelance writer and author hailing from Indianapolis. He is the current co-host of the gaming history podcast Memory Card and is likely replaying Banjo-Kazooie right now.

Bloodborne 2 would be swell but I aint expecting it to ever happen. I’m actually not sure what else I want. We got so much this year and they were all great titles that I’m hoping E3 gives me something surprising and unexpected?
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New devil may cry. Don’t care in what shape or form. Read more

I had the Segascope 3D glasses as a kid. I only ever had Space Harrier 3D to use them with, but it gave the game a whole new feel. Read more

Nintendo hasn’t met an idea yet that it won’t hang on to for decades until the technology or market allows the company to successfully implement it. Read more

Correct me if I am wrong, but aren’t “active 3D” glasses still use today with the Nvidia 3D for the PC? Such a device e requires not only an infrared peripheral for the glasses, but a Nvidia 3D compatible monitor. That said, were the family and Sega 3D devices as good as they both use active 3D? Just that it is Read more

I knew a guy with the 3D helmet by Sega. Sadly, he had misplaced a few parts and wasn’t into gaming enough to get them replaced. I was so obsessed with it I pleaded for him to get new parts to no avail. Read more

Wow I had no idea about that chapter. They really try it every decade and tends to fall flat or be forgotten doesn’t it. Read more

Sadly Squaresoft missed this boat; they put out a couple 3D games for the Famicom, but they used anaglyph 3D. Shutter glasses would’ve been a vast improvement. Read more

I really don’t give a crap as long as they don’t change the story. Read more

I’ve been trying, and failing, to discover what my unopened copies of some SNES games would go for. Read more

I just don’t understand how anyone with a normal set of reading abilities could even consider watching this dubbed and miss Mei’s adorable vocalisations ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Read more

Totoro from Fox was the first Ghibili movie I saw, and maybe the first anime. I was about 5 or 6, and had just moved to a new town. It was raining outside when my mom dropped me off, and I walked in at the famous bus stop scene. I was frightened and intrigued. However, once Totoro was gone, I kind of zoned out and Read more

I encountered both dubs late in life and MUCH prefer the fox dub.
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wow, I happen to have the fox dvd from 2002. $50-90 on ebay. I guess I’ll cherish it a little more :) Read more

I have a weird relationship with dubs...I watch the english dub of Kiki, Howl and Spirited Away but subtitled everything else...having said that, I can’t watch Laputa because the Japanese screeching SHEEETAAAAA is unbearable.
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I feel the same way about the original AKIRA dub. I guess part of it is because I grew up with that version, but I just find that the original cast brought a whole lot more character to the table through their voices alone. Read more