Why not just have the ball spawn in a random location? Read more
FWIW, I think this kind of positional play that rewards tactical thought from good teams working together is what makes Oddball worth having in the game at all. Read more
Ari, how did you wizard this past your editor?
it’s also important to note that you don’t NEED to complete the pass before the next one comes out. Unlike a lot of battlepasses these don’t expire. still I’m glad they made the progression more front loaded for the players that only have time for a few matches rather than a few hours. not everyone can sink in 3 hours… Read more
The battle pass is fine. The issues for me are: Read more
People have given MS a lot of shit for their lack of exclusives over the years (partially rightly so), but this is a big reason why; the big multiplat titles might not be system-sellers in the conventional sense, but a lot of gamers buy new consoles with playing them in mind, which is why MS has invested so much in… Read more
Personally, I don’t necessarily want Pokemon to be more grown-up, I want it to be more ambitious. They haven’t fundamentally changed in 25 years except to add bells and whistles, and they seem pretty relaxed to stick with it.
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The first car I bought was my own 😋
Also makes him look like a formidable runningback.
Witcher 2 had an Assassin’s Creed Easter Egg as well.
You stare at him, and he just stares right back. And that’s when the attack comes. Not from the front, but from the side, from the other two bots you didn’t even know were there. Because 343 bots are a pack hunter, you see, he uses coordinated attack patterns and he is out in force today. And he slashes at you with… Read more
we are short staffed and have even more people leaving to a degree that covering the news surrounding all aspects of this is taking every resource. i am having convos with folks as we go but at the moment the plan is to continue covering relevant news with the appropriate context and tone, should it be newsworthy.… Read more