Amber Nichols's discussions

Amber Nichols

@Kryptolojik: I heard that the 360 version was 100 times better. I think we can just agree that Bethesda games have the tendency to be a bit....difficult on certain people. Read more

@-MasterDex-: Thank you, glad you liked it! I enjoyed doing it but was nervous about going last because, as you point out, I had to deal with everyone else's opinions already. The reason it's like this is because they're basing if off the way they* debate Kotaku's Game of the Year. Though, if we do more we are going Read more

@Kryptolojik: I have to say I played 150 hours of Fallout 3 and the glitches weren't too bad....until I tried to play the expansion packs. It was probably the PS3 version, but it was near unplayable - though I played it anyway. Read more

@GTgeek: Well I'd hate to break bad news to you, but I had to send it into Sony, pay $150 because I couldn't find my warranty (stupid me), and have them fix it. In hindsight, my PS2 did the same shit in it's late years and I would just open it up and clean the laser using internet tutorials. I believe this is the same Read more

@GTgeek: Do you mean the PS3 won't even recognize the disc, or it does and the Blu-rays just won't start/play? Read more

This brightened my morning. Such a ridiculous thing to see right after waking up.... #dsi Read more