Alex Ross, comic book artist and designer for the collector's edition cover for Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe walks…
Alex Ross, comic book artist and designer for the collector's edition cover for Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe walks…
Well, Crecente and crew over at TGS got their hands on the game yesterday and Luke was less than impressed. Amanda…
While Fahey was live blogging the opening ceremony of Bliizzcon, Blizzard made no hesitation rolling out the first…
What can Lara do? That's the approach the designers over at Crystal Dynamics are taking when constructing Lara…
Yes, Spyro is finally growing up a little bit. The game certainly seems to be going for a more epic feel. But Is it…
Let's talk a little bit about Resistance's smaller, but not so small brother. It's got a new 3rd person view which…
Face it, TGS is like a huge magnet when it comes to attracting great trailers. So when it came time for Street…
It will be interesting to see how Ninja Blade fares against Ninja Gaiden, but so far so good. Just a few days ago we …
Yes, it can use the classic controller and remember, this is for the Wii. You would almost forget looking at these…
Alright guys get ready for your Dynasty Warriors fix. We got a new teaser trailer for the next Empires game in the…
Another great trailer for you guys! This of course comes courtesy of Capcom in honor of Tokyo Game Show and it's…
Where there's a will, there's certainly a way to play Street Fighter IV. Some lucky folks may be able to find an…
I'm not trying to build this up, honestly, but this Prince of Persia trailer is just beautiful. It's certainly not…
It's nice to every once in a while pick up a controller and play a few missions of Ace Combat. With Tom Clancy's…
We got some awesome new images of everyone's favorite bear and bird. The screens definitely show us that the game…
We got a lot of Mirror's Edge stuff coming in. Yesterday, A.J. told us about the event she attended which came…
Well, here's something to file under interesting, but likely impractical. If you've been dying to get a second…
It's not hard to argue that if nothing else, Heavy Rain looks pretty unbelievable. I'm just wondering when we are…
If there was any room left in our minds to be impressed with this game, that void has been filled. After our…
We got not one, not two, but three Dragon Ball Z: Origins trailers to satisfy your needs. Luckily, you don't have…