Exactly! I didn't edit anything. Just removed the audio from the original trailer and added LMAO's song to it to play as the actual trailer started. When I saw how it synced with the girl on skates, I was like "Whoa! Was the trailer built around this?!?" then the guy with the flames around him as he bends over "trying… Read more
Made this afterwards. It's all I heard while watching the trailer. It fits almost like it was made for it imo!
What I wanna know is... Why the f*** is NBC News saying it will have a MicroSD slot this time?!? I don't believe that bit one bit, but still... That's some f'ed up reporting, but if true... Gonna be some angry people out there with their overpriced Sony branded crap.
http://www.nbcnews.com/tech/video-gam… Read more
Considering Square fracking sucks at just about everything they do these days (with random exceptions few and far between), I'd rather they just go to hell. Haven't finished an FF game since VII and Tactics (IV, VI, and Tactics being my favorites). The Xeno games fortunately are in the hands of competent people.… Read more
I've never understood the hate for GFWL, or Origin (which is pretty much the same damn thing as Steam for me) or limits on number of authorized installs, or any DRM that doesn't require the disc to be in the drive. But Uplay... CAN GO FRACKING BURN! It's a god damn mess that nobody wants. FFS, Nintendo could do a… Read more
lol, guess I've had a cease fire all week. I haven't played a damn thing since like early last week. XB1 and PS4 collecting dust, and I was too busy rewatching BSG. Good thing I'm bored with gaming atm, Steam can't get to my wallet! :P
And while this is all a nice gesture, in the end it will be as effective as people… Read more
Kemco is having a 99 cents sale on their RPG games for Android.
Kemco games on Google Play Read more
Kemco is having a 99 cents sale on their RPG games for Android.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev… Read more
or you know... just tape a piece of paper over it. This way you can still shout the command "Xbox! Go f*** yourself!" but it can't see the player f*** itself.
Which I only did because I didn't want it auto logging me on the other day, nevermind that there's no way to select to show as offline before logging in. WTF.… Read more
I'm amazed they're not releasing this at $5 per level. Based on their current available content and pricing, this is the deal of a lifetime.
but then again... It's only f'ing Peggle. I hope this overpriced crap gets pirated so hard they backtrack and decide to pay people to download it.
Glad I mostly play on PC this… Read more
Business IS the government. The fact we allow businesses to hire lobbyists on their behalf and give all kinds of gifts and cash to politicians to side with whatever company is buttering them up... This is why there's no such thing as honest politicians anymore. Rich companies can buy them off like these idiot shoppers… Read more
I posted this on my facebook earlier since I had some downtime, as a follow up to a bunch of posts telling the history of my gaming since the 80s.
The short version... Neither console is worth owning right now. There's nothing on them that really defines them for a new generation. They're pretty show pieces and first… Read more