Zapix's discussions


Yep, this is one case where I don't know if I would have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. I had gotten a PS4 I was going to resell, but I was convinced to at least give it a chance. Issues I had with Sony and my PS3 YLoDing in 2011 caused me to have severe unforgiving hate issues with the company... Read more

Last time I tried something like this it didn't fix it.
I had a cheap DVD player that wasn't reading discs anymore... So I opened the window (from the second floor) and ejected the DVD player out onto the driveway. Brought it back in and tried it. Didn't seem to fix it. So I did it again, and then went Office Space on Read more

My PC blue screened twice this morning, and my PS4 and XB1 are collecting dust...
Now, back to finishing up Zelda Between Worlds on my 3DS. ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY PORTABLE GLASSESLESS 3D RACE! >.> Read more

PS4 and XB1 sitting in my livingroom collecting dust. I've been too busy with Between Worlds and a little bit of Mario 3D World. Who says graphics are important?!? lol Read more

I was excited about Killer Instinct at first, but then I heard about their hacking it up into pieces... and then I saw the prices this afternoon. No. Absolutely NO. Not about to pay $20 for 6 characters and get 2 later when I can go get any other fighting game which will have a hell of a lot more content than that. Read more

LOL, if there is one thing almost everyone can agree on, no matter what platform they prefer and/or hate, no matter the age or gender... QT events suck! Stopping playing the Naruto games because of that crap. Read more

When a news breaks with scandalous things in games, who's first on the scene? Fox News. Fox News = Republicans. Conservatives are also more likely to be religious in which older generations of Christians see gaming as terrible etc etc (should use that time praying for salvation or washing away sins or something). This Read more

I'd normally feel something like that was a waste of a bullet, but to see a PS4 basically explode... Nope, I'm not gonna complain. Somebody just f'ing took my favorite gun in all existance (.50 cal Barrett. That gun makes me feel hot and dirty, and I'm generally anti gun!) and blew a PS4 into f'ing pieces. Mmm, my Read more

Not that a bad review was going to stop me from picking this up, but always glad to hear good things.
The last Zelda I finished was OOT on the N64 a long time ago (before I had grey hair damnit) as I never finished Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword. I also stayed as far away as possible from Wind Waker, Read more

Put the PS4 standing upright on the XB1... The XB1 wants it reverse cowgirl style! Read more

The things with funds is already a reality that I noticed on Monday while going through the Wii U shop. I saw the $30 credit from my 3DS was available, and 3DS games were in the shop on the Wii U. So, already done unless it was a Monday evening glitch.

Now, if they'd just make it so Wii games that supported controllers Read more

SteamOS iirc is Linux based, you're welcome to go use Linux right now. Read more

Well, about 10~12 years ago I experienced my first HDD failure in a computer I built myself. Two HDDs actually. I know one was a Seagate, the other I can't remember if it was WD or another Seagate. A couple of years later I got a Dell laptop that died within a couple of months thanks to the nvidia card, which Dell had Read more

Also, it's worth noting that Microsoft lost about $1 billion on the RROD fiasco. They specifically designed the Xbox One to last because of that. I know people think it's going to be cheap because of greed, but this is a case where corporate greed will actually help consumers, because they don't want a repeat of that Read more

Are you implying PCs are immune to breaking?
CPUs and GPUs can easily overheat, RAM can have issues lurking, HDDs can fail on a dime, power supplies can short out... Say, this sounds a lot like issues consoles can have too! Plus they require so much more time and effort.
On that note, my PC has been my primary gaming Read more

Think the only old console to break on me was my SegaCD. Had a common issue with a fuse dying. Probably could have fixed it, but I decided to grab one off ebay instead. And then there was much joy as I played Eternal Champions for a bit!
Funny, I used to think my parents were crazy when they said "they don't make them Read more

Your replacement was louder too huh? Same with mine, my original PS3 was usually pretty quiet. The one they sent me back was a lot louder. The fans always seem cranked up. I think they tweaked the fan settings when they realized the things were overheating. Read more

Not really. but you're more than welcome to make outrageous offers to amuse me! ;)
Mostly got it fixed so the kids can still use it, which that too is pretty rare now that they have Minecraft. Read more

$90? Damn, you got the special! I went looking at the emails, it was $140 for me. If it weren't for the fact it was an 80gb fat (not that I need the B/C, I have a PS2 that works fine and is hooked up, just prefer a wireless controller!) then I would have probably tried to fix it myself or gotten a new one. Plus, as Read more