Zapix's discussions


I played the f*** out of Wipeout HD, and something like 5 or 6 playthroughs of MGS4. Uncharted, Uncharted 2... Had other games. I never had a chance to finish Heavy Rain. That was one of those damn games where the save is tied to the damn console. WTF PEOPLE! If I wanted to get screwed on my saves, I'd play more games Read more

I hate you!
lol, no, jk :) Read more

Mmm, I know that scenario all too well! Finding yourself with a rep that no matter how hard you try, they're almost impossible to understand because of an accent. Although I find it even more funny online. "Hello, this is Brad, how can I assist you today?" Brad huh? Is that your real name? Brad? lol
Too bad you didn't Read more

Yeah, I'm well aware of the rising complaints and the situation Microsoft had building at the front gates. I didn't get a 360 until the Falcon series, which was supposed to be a lot more reliable. lol... NOPE!

Well, the YLoD I know was certainly overheating. Hell, I managed to get the system on long enough to get what Read more

Yeah, mine was just over 3 years old when it dropped in January 2011. Never in an enclosed space or anything, no real reason for it to overheat. What little I did use the PS3 for (still had it for BD movies until a year later) after I did notice the fans operated much harder than the one I originally had. I wonder if Read more

Indeed, and those people are the most pissed, I can't say I don't blame them.

Oh, and $130, not $100.
The other thing that pissed me off was, I asked about what kind of repair they do to fix it, and they refused to tell me, and that it would only be under warranty for 90 days. A lot of people online claim that Sony was Read more

I had 2~3 failures, each time Microsoft responded with "Send it, we'll fix it. No charge, and we'll give you a month of LIVE for free." Usually Took a week total between sending it in and getting it fixed. This was 360 Elite I got back in 2007, and it currently has issues reading discs sometimes. A white Pro I got in Read more


Where I live, you have limited options for cable and internet. Can't get DirecTV because of issues pertaining to the roof... Lame, and as a result I get very few HD channels. Only recently did HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, and Starz get a single HD channel, and only within the last year did we get a Read more

I've got Comcast and it works just fine. Must be because the northeast coast is better! Read more

Still haven't finished it, but it's been a anger inducing fest of glitches, total lack of explanation of various things (crafting, artisan leveling, missions for Assassin recruits, and just about everything else short of running and jumping is never explained.), and the controls are just f'ing terrible. TERRIBLE! Read more

OMG! Your modem is always online though! /PANIC! /DIESINAFIRE

To complain about 24 check ins, I hope you do the following every day...
- Unplug your modem when you're not using it
- Unplug your cable box (if you have one) when you're not using it
- Unplug your home phone when you're not using it
- Pull the battery out of Read more

You clearly haven't met my corgi then... Pfft, he thinks and acts like he's Conan The Destroyer, and hates other dogs. Will start a dog fight with anything larger than him without a second thought. Loves cats though, which is odd. Will attack anything over food though, like a rabid killer. Good natured my a**! He'd Read more

I care, because if the XB1 is already choking before it has been released to play games at a resolution that should be pretty much standard, and not that hard to do... What does this say for games for it a year or two from now? When developers are looking at what they want to do, and what they can do... Everyone will Read more

I can wait a very long time. I was gonna get it for my XB1, but then Ubisuck went and delayed Watch Dogs, which was the only game I really had interest in at launch. Now it's gone. My response? a huge ..!.. to them with my wallet. NO SALE.
My Wii U is about to get a ton of use because of this too, and my XB1 will Read more

If GFWL wasn't being killed, and this had it... Well, I'd probably have preordered already. Alas, it doesn't, so I'll just wait for it to drop to the $10~15 mark on Steam eventually, or a GOTY edition with all of the DLC so I don't have to deal with paying extra as I go. Read more

Game disc: girl in bikini, unacceptable.

in game: BIG AMERICAN TEETEES (topless women everywhere!) and hookers you can pick up off the street (that have some pretty explicit dialog), perfectly fine

Makes perfect sense /sarcasm.
Somebody deport this dumb parent, kthxbai.

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Going to go ahead and assume the people against these free games feel that these games are part of some kind of entitlement program, and nothing should ever be free in life, even if it's part of a paid service.

Secondary guess... The people against Microsoft giving out games are the PS3 fanboys who preached "PSN IS Read more

I never said anything positive about Battle LA... which was equally terrible btw. Read more

Well... This was like the only game I was looking forward to for a while, granted there's some other games I have interest in and all... Was gonna get this as my debut game for the XB1... Now... Now I'm not so sure. AC4 if it's reviewed well and better than AC3 which was absolutely terrible. Kind of annoying to Read more

Considering I thought District 9 was one of the dumbest and most boring movies I ever saw in my adult life... I'm glad he never got to see it through. We did eventually get a mini series with Halo 4 which was pretty damn decent imo, and a TV series on the way. I imagine it would have ended up something like Battle LA, Read more