Zapix's discussions


Oh how I wish I had read this again before buying AC3 on sale on Steam this week. Everything said here a year later is still true. The gameplay mechanics are fracking terrible. Can't run in a straight line without Connor going "OH! A WALL TO CLIMB!" "LOOK! A LADDER!" "HEY, OVER HERE!"
There are mechanics that are never Read more

Books I would assume also help with understanding proper uses grammar and spelling... In a world where everything is turning into acronyms, and nobody knows (and seems to care less and less) how to use words properly... I can't begin to fathom the social and cultural impact these things will have in the long run. You Read more

pretending to be in the army... Um, isn't that what CoD and BF are all about? xD Read more

Personally I find it "superior."
e-books = saves trees. Read more

but... THINK OF THE CORGIS! She might have to feed them store brand dog food! lol jkjk
Hard to feel bad for them, yeah. 1000 years of royal life and all.

I know... She can write a book about her life for the children to read, and the money can go to building her next personal cruise ship. It's a win win! The kids have Read more

Sounds like a Palin family tradition... Oh wait, that's shooting animals from a helicopter. Getting in practice in case those barbarians from the North (or East if you're in Alaska) try crossing the border. Read more

I sort of think I'm starting to understand what these old people are getting on about. Problem is, I think they've done a terrible job trying to convey the concern.

It's a matter of how kids use their time constructively. We love to complain about how people aren't creating things and being innovative. Back before Read more

You can never have too many corgis. Read more

hm, might just have to look into that. Historical is always fun!
You mention political though. That gives me visions of the game crashing and causing my computer to BSOD when something happens it doesn't like. >.> lol

On a side note, I had wanted to like Total War 2, but the game did nothing but frustrate me. Always had Read more

Yeah, I went looking through the Steam Workshop and found a couple of map mods like that (and make resource locations more realistic). I thought it kind of took away from the whole experience being so random, but it didn't stop me from enjoying the game.

Admittedly, the one country I wished I had run into was Spain. Read more

Got Civ5 on Steam, started playing it last month for a few weeks. Biggest game I had was on a huge world map. Admittedly, a few hours into it I was kind of overwhelmed. I had kept the pace down a bit, disabled the timed victory, so it wasn't even an option to wait it out. Running for a space victory was an option, but Read more

Considering I own a 360, PS3, Wii, and a PC... Are you saying I'm this man? Because if you are, then you most certainly are the horrible person GLaDOS was talking about, not sharks.

Jonas.... Joe-nas or Yohan-as?
Jesus or Hey-zeus?

Did you like... Eeny meeny miny moe this to complain about? lol, seems like a completely pointless things to argue about... on the internet. lol Read more

"That way the player can decide which item to RENT and eventually PURCHASE"

Sounds to me like you can rent the item for cheap, but if you're filthy rich you can buy the item after renting it and keep it. Read more

(holds up a sign like a homeless person)
In need of 4 fellow pc master race members to meet the silly steam anti antisocial requirement
I'm the silent single player game type that keeps to himself, so be warned... I won't be all up in your s*** like "Sup bro! It's your steam buddy! You want to go bowling?!?"
http://steamc Read more

Yep... Flying... There's not much I can complain about in GTAV, but flying... That single handedly takes the #1 complaint in a game this whole year. Hell, maybe my biggest complaint since Nyan Cat appeared at the end of Mass Effect 3. If you've only just gotten into it, I don't wanna spoil anything for you, but Read more

I tried playing on my big screen earlier today. For the life of me, I couldn't see the damn little dot on the screen that's supposed to represent where I was aiming. I was kind of pissed off there wasn't a better design on aiming. Thanks for bringing that up!

The map can be a pain, but my biggest issue with the map is Read more

well... That was unexpected! Glad it was entertaining. Unless... You're not that midget are you? lol jk jk Read more

Yeah, I don't see a damn thing from Mass Effect in there. >.> This is some Sci-Fi fail is what this is! Read more