Zapix's discussions


That invisible ladder isn't a glitch. It's actually a really amazing mime act! Read more

Strictly on the topics mentioned, sure, that's true... But um... There's more to just where your parents met when it comes to "family history." Nor does it even really bring up how you ended up where you are, depending on WHEN you were adopted.

There could be scary things lurking in that genetic creation. NOT knowing Read more

They met somewhere, probably made out in the back of a car at a drive in, 9 months later, wrapped me up, put a bow on me, and sold me in a dark alley for $10, a coffee, and a pack of smokes. Or maybe it was left on a sidewalk where I was found later that day.

Eh, whatever, I ended up with decent people. Screw the Read more

going out on a limb here, but guessing the people that think it would carry over are the same people who watch Honey Boo Boo and Jersey Shore, or don't understand why they get disc unreadable errors when they try putting a 360 game in a ps3 or vice versa. Read more

I don't ever recall being able to use save game data from one platform to another, why the hell should anyone think "Oh hey, my 360/PS3/Wii saves will work with on the same game made for my newer XB1/PS4/WiiU. I mean, my PC saves don't work with consoles, so um. Duh. Hence I don't mind waiting to get Watch Dogs or Read more

Pretty sure I've seen something like that before... Oh, right, Saints Row 4, and it was simply just part of the game.
Hmm, intentional or not, I don't know, but I know I've encountered another Saints Row Third/4 reference or two in GTAV. Read more

Ah, yet another game I'm excited about. I remember playing the first one on the NES a lot... A LOT! It's one of the very few games I managed to finish as a kid (can't begin express my deep hatred for side scrolling jump, jump, land on the tiny f'ing platform, jump, kill seemingly impossible boss, restart, try again, Read more

Would you park your car like this to save space? no.

Normally I'm not interested in these types of games, but when I saw a trailer for it on youtube a few weeks ago I was like "O_O Now I know what happened to everything that was f'ed up about Silent Hill. I must own this!" Read more

Dreamcast I think was doomed from the start due to the... Fantastic premature death of the Sega Saturn, which flunked so hard, it could be considered one of the worst primary console releases... Ever. I remember the day I got my Saturn. The guy at EB told me to get the Playstation, it was selling far far better. At Read more

imo, it was something akin to fighting games by the time you get into it, which at times wasn't that easy for me (i've always been a random button masher in fighting games). There's also the fact you can't hold a gun as a side arm, but use melee combat as your primary option. It can be frustrating in that sense, but Read more

That's about how I feel about sports games and racing games (or any CoD/BF game). I however meant more along the lines if people were on the fence or just hadn't gotten around to them yet. Read more

There's very little focus on weapons at all in Sleeping Dogs. It was kind of a nice change. If you enjoy randomly causing chaos, I would say stay clear of Sleeping Dogs. I personally enjoyed the combat system though which gets larger as you get deeper into the game and learn more combinations.

The car physics were Read more

They should really fear me then... With all the Civilization V I've been playing over the last week... I'm getting an uncontrollable desire to take over the world in a grand conquest like no other! I will thrust this world into my own cultural and political chaos and win by crushing my enemies while taking their land, Read more

If you can play on PC and haven't played these (Hitman, Sleeping Dogs, Tomb Raider games), go throw yourself out a window if you don't take this deal. If you don't have money, go sell yourself on a street corner. This deal is so hot I kinda wanna get these games a second time just for the hell of it. Read more

that depends if you assisted anyone in a dark room? Read more

Sooooo, time to reboot the Virtual Valerie games? Read more

Now playing

THIS is how you play hockey on a console.

inviting friends... Well, pretty sure none of them will be playing Watch Dogs.

also, a few weeks? Um, it's Sept. 6... November 19~22 is a bit more than a "few" weeks. More like, a couple of months! (by my count, still more than 10 weeks right now)... Unless you're implying the app comes out within a couple of weeks Read more

This suggests gamers know the NFL season started. Which... Somehow I imagine they're too busy on here striking down anyone not loyal to Sony with all their nerd rage to know all that, or even understand how advertising works when trying to reach a wide range of people. Imagine how they reacted when Steam started Read more