Zapix's discussions


Microsoft Xbox One - It only does TV!

At least that's what the ad made me think, not that I care. I preordered XB1 the day it was made available, back when everyone was moaning about used games and going online, or kinect. (I don't resell my steam games, my PC is online at all times, and omg... I can have the camera Read more

My old man bought the BRZ and loves it, saying how it's fun to drive and handles great. It's complete trash in the winter though, but it's RWD, so that's a no brainer.

The few times I drove it, I wasn't all that impressed. Weak on power, comes from the factory with the same tires as a Prius iirc, and not a fun car to Read more

Ordered XB1 the day it was made available for preorder. Sure, my biggest reason hands down is Halo 5. As far as console gaming, in the last 6 years, my PS3 saw little to no attention after MGS4, but just enough use to YLOD (3 months before they got hacked, which the hack hammered the nails into the coffin Sony built Read more

yeah, I recently got a 50ft hdmi cable to run to my livingroom. Already have a wireless xbox controller adapter. Only issue I have with the whole scenario is that... FFS, you'd think after all the years of advancement, computers would scale to the TV properly. Ugh, had to scale the resolution and align the picture. Read more

Ew, WTF. Don't scare me that Microsoft and Comcast teamed up. (Xbox + infinity = Xfinity!) The very thought makes me want to slit my wrists and bleed to death all over my Nintendo Wii U in some satanic ritual to see such an abomination burn an everlasting fiery hell.

It really would have been about TV! TV! TV! Read more

hey, if it helps even boost the fps of a game by 1, that counts for something! Especially after all the fps drops in Saints Row 4 on the xbox... OMFG. I've never seen fps drops in console games. Mind numbing. Maybe it's because I also have it on PC and play at a solid 60fps I notice the lower frame rates, but damn! Read more

Aside from issues with MSAA in some games (here's looking at you SquareEnix...), I've been able play everything at max quality that I throw at my i7930 OCed to 4.2 with OCed SLI GTX460s at 50~60fps without any sacrifices. If/when needed, I can simply upgrade the video cards. But yeah, $3k is about what I spent in Read more

Volition: We're done with Saints Row

World: Wait, that leaves us with... *thinks* Metro... Why did Deep Silver save you?

Volition: because we've got a brand new IP in the works where people raise ponies, customize them with different colors and hair styles. It's really going to be groundbreaking stuff, and we plan to Read more

they need but watch Urotsukidoji for ways to make the game even more f'ed up. Although with the... um. No spoilers... way the game ends, they'll likely be heavily toning it down to a more SR3 or SR2 level for Saints Row 5. While the super powers were fun, after 20 hours, it grows old. The need to drive throughout the Read more

No gold console/controller edition? And I mean the whole damn thing in gold! Oh how I miss the old days of Zelda when you got smothered with gold colored cartridges. Read more

I swore to never play another MMO after I quit from 5+ years of Final Fantasy XI. Playing a game that sucks up your real life and requires endless dedication to get ahead isn't my idea of fun. Strange as that seems, it was Elder Scrolls Oblivion that broke the FFXI cycle and brought me back into the world of gaming Read more

According to the money saver you can get the 360 version for $45 from gamestop with some discount code. Think that's as good as it gets right now. Read more

Let's see...

PC version: about 3 random freeze up errors. One instance of being unable to move. A glitch with Genki (HARD) not being able to pickup the balloon heads after TK accidently picks up decorative balloons. Otherwise ran great on my i7 930 OCed @ 4.2 with dual GTX 460s running at 763cc/1900mc with about 40fps Read more

The whole switching between gaming and TV is useless to me, as I already use THIS to... OMG, quickly switch between devices and content.…

Then again, not everyone has one of these.

If they want to sell me on home entertainment stuff, they need to be talking about 7.1 (or higher) Read more

I snagged a used copy after looking for a couple of weeks for one to get locally. Even posted a bounty for it on facebook. Eventually found one about 45 minutes away and got it for something like $45? Nevermind the confusion when I got there, not knowing where it was because a GameStop store called wanting it mere Read more

All this moaning "It's going to cost me almost $200 for 3 people." ... Seriously, if you stopped paying Microsoft directly, and have a little f'ing patience and a little knowledge about sales, you people would know you can generally pick up a year of XBL for about $30~$35 during sales from various online retailers Read more

And if sales at launch don't meet expectations (see Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Wii U) it can be a disaster for all companies involved (console maker, game developers, etc) as tons of money is used in R&D, production, marketing, etc. Shareholders club companies to death for this kind of thing. And if sales are pathetic, Read more

Completely agree with you! What came out of the 80s and 90s is the sweet spot for me, from character design to the way they're colored. These days everything is plastered with so much CUTE, I'm half way lead to believe pharmaceutical companies are involved (take one a day for enhanced cuteness! side effects are rare, Read more

I am once again ashamed to be a resident of this state with our politicians here acting like headless chickens. About a sin tax for politicians for accepting bribes from lobbyists or donations for them to run. This state has become... stupid. Read more

and in later news, a spree of copycat murders are blamed on the news media! Read more