Zapix's discussions


yeah, but would he be wearing the bear minimum, or would he be like Brian over at Chotchkies who wears 37 pieces of flair? Because that's how you express yourself! Read more

lmao, almost as good as the comment asking if it was a "random encounter" Read more

yep, makes me wish I could go back in time and start blaming stuff! Read more

Chris Murphy has a facebook page. Feel free to tell him what an idiot he is. Read more

I'm ashamed for us that he's such an idiot for making such a naive comment. But as Kumicho said... It's not like Linda WWE McEGO would be better... Just far worse. Read more

Too bad it didn't go to auction >.> Read more

Volition with Deep Silver... this could be good, this could be bad... Especially depending on how one feels about Saints Row 3 and/or Dead Island. Read more

No thanks, I don't want customer punishing DRM all over my Saints Row games. Read more

Nintendo + 4 ft purple dildos... Read more

Bad enough THQ killed Gat, we don't need R* killing the franchise. Read more

1. Yes, some of the unlocks do help, but they don't make or break it. Skill does, the ability to adapt does, etc etc. The plasma pistol is perhaps the ONE thing that helps the most as far as guns go. As for specializations... They don't throw the balance unless you're up against a group of friends that have a system Read more

Yes, because 21 is the magical number when people just suddenly become mature, responsible people. lol If they had ANY sense, they'd get the hell out when they're 18, since you can then be tried as an adult. Read more

my thoughts exactly. Replicators -.- Read more

Vote: Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Read more

Well, keep in mind the G700 is gaming mouse. As I noted, my older wireless mouse is nothing special... lasted weeks or longer. The G700 though is no joke. -.- Generally I use it at 1200dpi... but even with the power saving options enabled... a day or two, and it's completely dead. Doesn't help that it only takes 1 Read more

What's there to understand? All this work might save 2% 5%? Drilling holes into my computer case would make it cooler inside, but how much cooler? Clearly you failed to see what I was asking and the point behind it. Read more

Oooh, I let that woman be so she could be eaten alive while I got away clean. Sorry, no mercy killing from me if it's going to put my life at risk. Yes, I left that b**** Lilly behind. Didn't like her from the start, now she's team killing. Suggested looking for Clementine's parents because THAT seems to be how the Read more