1. Yes, some of the unlocks do help, but they don't make or break it. Skill does, the ability to adapt does, etc etc. The plasma pistol is perhaps the ONE thing that helps the most as far as guns go. As for specializations... They don't throw the balance unless you're up against a group of friends that have a system… Read more
Well, keep in mind the G700 is gaming mouse. As I noted, my older wireless mouse is nothing special... lasted weeks or longer. The G700 though is no joke. -.- Generally I use it at 1200dpi... but even with the power saving options enabled... a day or two, and it's completely dead. Doesn't help that it only takes 1… Read more
Oooh, I let that woman be so she could be eaten alive while I got away clean. Sorry, no mercy killing from me if it's going to put my life at risk. Yes, I left that b**** Lilly behind. Didn't like her from the start, now she's team killing. Suggested looking for Clementine's parents because THAT seems to be how the… Read more