Zapix's discussions


Um, I don't think ANY secrets in the world can make the battery in my G700 mouse "better" as it's already complete ultimate crap with a battery. Strips a battery dead within a day or two -.- So I use it wired, plugged into a USB slot on my G19 keyboard >.> My Galaxy SIII lasts longer. Read more

I once ejected a DVD player out a window from the second floor for not playing a movie. I then proceeded to go down to get it and repeat the process a few more times. It was fun. Read more

LOL silly ps3.... you dont do everything! In fact..., you dont do much of anything anymore. Read more

Reading that list, I imagine talk about zombies causes their system to go wild! Read more

No, JuiceDefender won't tell you what is eating up the battery. All it does really is enable/disable data/wifi allowing it to run on a schedule when the phone is idle. Read more

"Sony interested in promoting piracy because they are douchebags" Read more

CM9 is working pretty well on the Epic. I put it on mine 2 weeks ago and I'm pleased with it. No way am I going back to gingerbread now. First time using a custom rom btw. Read more

Upgraded to ICS vs CM9 on my Samsung Epic 4G about 2 weeks ago. Getting about 48 hours idling. I'd say I put it on the charger about once every 24~36 hours average. Read more

and considering they're not going to be on sale anymore, they will be twice as expensive (so to speak)... yet still made in China. >.> Read more

I'll second that in an instant about EVGA. My first EVGA card was a 6800 Ultra, which I put into a Pentium 4 Dell Dimension 8400 (oh, and Antec 550w power supply). It was a monster of a card, still feel that it's a monster of a card considering how old it is. I did have some heating issues with it down the line, but I Read more

don't get me wrong either, I fully agree there needs to be more support for 64 bit. It amazes me after all these years there isn't that much Read more

I'm going to enjoy watching Sony go far far far deeper into the red with a move like this. As is for Sony, they make everything in China. If they actually make their products with some pride back in Japan, MAYBE they could get away with this... but no. brb, I need to go make popcorn! Read more

Or perhaps they're still rockin' the old PC because the old PC runs Diablo, Dungeon Keeper, Warcraft, etc without a compatibility issue list that rivals the list of side effects the average prescription drug has. Or in my case, I have 2 computers :P Read more

depends. I've recently attempted to install some older games that will not work with a 64bit OS (although in some cases Windows Vista/7 is also to blame). Problem with XP Mode is that (unless I'm doing something wrong) DirectX doesn't function. THIS is why I still keep my P4 Dell, and why I have had dual OSes for Read more

For the same reason you can still buy a car that doesn't have ABS. It's not required to get the job done, and there's no reason to phase it out because X number of people believe it's better or safer than the X people who don't want ABS. Read more

the hardware should be, however for people buying prebuilt systems... It amazes me how many people end up with crap like Windows 7 Starter. Seriously? WTF! I think it's more like the majority of PC gamers already use 64 bit systems. Read more

having used the 64bit XP, I will painfully confirm it was horrible, and not worth using. There were eventually some work arounds made using vista drivers, but more effort was required than it was worth. But I've been dual booting for a long time now, and until a year ago, 32 bit XP was my primary OS, and 64 bit was Read more

OMG! This is 100% pure win! I haven't laughed this hard all week! Some great stuff here. Awesome work people, AWESOME WORK! Read more

Nice piece of writing! One of the many wonderful things Kotaku offers! Read more