My gamer tag back in the day when people used to play Quake and UT was SirFragALot, translating to Japanese now would be something like Koaa Geemaa Pichuru :D
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My gamer tag back in the day when people used to play Quake and UT was SirFragALot, translating to Japanese now would be something like Koaa Geemaa Pichuru :D
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I saw both films last week and had never read the manga. I have a hard time understanding how the source material can be any good as the movies are just a string a pseudo ‘wow’ moments (you can probably count the chapters of the manga with each new ‘cool’ ability/moment on display) based on a lacking premise. The… Read more
Star Ocean 2 was by far my favourite, 3 was....meh and 4 was unplayable to me. Reeeeeealy hoping for a good jrpg to rekindle my interest, but really I just want a re-launch od the Suikoden series.
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Hello, Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating column that can help you find the Best Ending to the…
Finally, this is a bit of a gripe, but I don’t think everything needs to have an anime adaptation.” [Female, 20’s, cell artist] Read more
I’ve been wondering this for a while - given the price for some of those premium sets, or even the basic disc sets, where is the money going to? I know the obvious answer is “the publishing house,” but what’s the actual breakdown? Read more
This one is genius! (Well, they all are...)
These look like Toriyama himself could have done them. This guy is a fantastic artist! It would be great if someone did all of us a favor and translate that fan manga.
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Obligatory dream sequence....
I don’t follow Pokemon tournaments, but reading this article I’d like to think this guy’s victory is due in part to the fact that he /didn’t/ spend months preparing. Like, letting his experience and knowledge just run itself. He didn’t have a lot of time, so he went with the first good idea he had instead of over… Read more