TomFooligans's saved articles


Of course there's a Sbarro.

Yeah I thought the awful American movie design was cool. The movie was shit, but the monster design was cool. Read more

Honestly, I thought the redesign for the awful remake wasn't a terrible design. It was a twist that suited the time it came out I feel.

This design is better for sure. More "true" to the roots if you want to look at it that way. But I too am excited for the movie Read more

Dude, this is how fandoms grow. Not everyone can be into something before it was cool. Let new people get into things - it's okay, honest. Yeah, sometimes it means that thing you love changes to "appeal to a broader demographic" but the correct people to get upset at over that is the people making the thing, not Read more

Being .2 of a million behind Sony is considered "not selling any consoles" now? Read more

Yes it will. TitanFall will move systems. In fact i know like 7 people who feel be purchasing X1s because of it. 8 including myself. I am going to get the bundle. However, i do find it funny that everyone is a fucking sales expert. God the modern age of internet know it alls, is something else. I am sure they will Read more


This. So much this. I don't think there's ever been a game that's filled me with so much rage. The missile mechanic alone was infuriating, let alone how they slaughtered Samus's character. VO wasn't bad, but the plot and lines they gave her were godawful. Not to mention "Maybe Adam will love me if I burn to death

Max Payne 3

Subpar story, horrible port for PC in general.

Horrible Texture quality (I think that Doom GL brutal mode have better textures in some parts than this).
The weapons feel weird.
No FoV slider (that one really hurts the PC audience)
I'm not even going to start talking about all the "OMGSH DOG WILL SAVE 'MERICA" story

Far Cry 2 Also known as "Tedious Walking and Driving Simulator"

Don't worry Brian, got you covered... literally. ^_^

Something funny that I didn't know about until recently: I think we all know that when Sven, the pilot of the blue lion, gets injured in the English Voltron series, that's because he actually dies in the Japanese series it's based on. The thing I didn't know is that he apparently was so popular with fans that in the Read more

"Fahey and I are crazy in love and I'd like to propose to him in The Last Guardian."

Oh my God that glossy orange one.... Jesus, holy mother of Christ that thing is beautiful. Brb, begging for early Christmas gift from any and all friends. Read more

Go play any of the other cods that have come out since say Modern Warfare 2 in 2009. Ghosts will probably be about the same as that. Read more

It's time they just make it an official Pokemon already. If an ice cream cone and a ring of keys can be Pokemon, then a glitch can too. Also, it's one of the original Pokemon, which automatically makes it 100 times better than any of the new ones. Read more