Steve Marinconz's saved articles

Steve Marinconz

No one was dumb enough to actually believe Sledgehammer when they said "no quickscoping in Advanced Warfare" right? Read more

highlight reel is awesome, keep the good work ^-^ Read more

Can we take a moment to appreciate this guy?

that evolve jump rope and that destiny dance glitch are the best things i've seen all week. except for the first person GTA V footage. that was awesome. Read more

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Killing the same Uruk Hai twice within 10 minutes in Shadow of Mordor:

I love it when in a pvp game when the enemy figure out a way to have fun without killing eachtother

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My favorite instance of this is when i played on the Fire Emblem stage and me and the other guy both picked Captain one point we both kinda stopped and did this for a short while:

Also a head's up - this is the first episode of HR in 60fps. It really only impacts one clip this time around, but that'll change soon enough! Read more

it happens a lot in destiny when players are searching for loot caches on mars and I fire rockets in the air to let players across the map know I found a loot cache and they just come to me and get it Read more

I did something similar in Smash 3DS recently, as far as making friends. I was Yoshi, this guy played Wario, and through the total lack of communication available in For Glory mode, we spent 2 minutes crawling back and forth along the stage chasing each other. It was the most fun i've had with that game (and I do Read more

Darn it! I should have said that my gamertag is TomcatMVD (second Evolve video).
Thanks for adding me :) Read more

I don't blame them for not jumping out of the dropship. Monsters are scary. Read more

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Here's a player invasion I did where I had several "oh shit" close calls with the target, but was never actually spotted:

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Here's something that happened to me in Destiny... :p

Haha yeah. Atleast in Ghillied up they had the suits and tall grass... here I was just in the driveway. The reason why I wasn't ready for some stealth bit, was because I just had a loud firefight with the guys 10 meters away. :D Read more

Once, I punched a man in the ankle so hard that he died. Twice. Read more

That where some epic shots. It's been a long time since i've had my arms in the air with excitement with all clips. With the very first being a exception of course . Read more