Steve Marinconz's saved articles

Steve Marinconz

The longest match I had was a 15-minute game and it was intense. The monster was really good and we, the hunters, had been chasing him non-stop till he eventually evolve to lvl 3. Similar to the video above, we were down to the last man - Assault. The monster almost destroyed our power relay but our Assault managed to Read more

Evolve was a fun game overall, I thought. Seems pretty repetitive after 10 or so rounds, which is probably what people fear with a game like this, but hopefully with more maps, monsters, and hunters will come more replay value. I felt like the current monster had a bit too much mobility, negating the utility of Read more

My biggest problem with the game right now is a huge lack of options. Gating characters behind mastery is a bit unfortunate, but no ability to make custom 5 player games is frustrating. Read more

That one Destiny clip had my mouth agape. In my head I was thinking "Oh that'd be funny if he died from flying into the wall" (thinking the game didn't count that damage; haven't played Destiny so I didn't know) and then boom. Hilarious. Read more

I like the CoD single player a lot. That being said, I always need to wait for years till the price of the game comes down to a level that can be justified by single player only. Read more

I played a few games of the Evolve alpha and just didn't find it to be that fun. My team lost to the monster every time and it seemed like nobody had any clue what was going on. Except the monster who just fucked us up constantly. I was pretty excited to try the game too, just found it to be a letdown. Read more

I had great fun with this over the weekend. The matchmaking did not work particularly well and it needed some optimizing, but that's what happens in an alpha.

Boy I sure wish I could get the Evolve Alpha to work on my PS4....... Read more

OMG! That fist of havok clip had me rolling! That thud at the end...just so satisfying (and unfortunate)! Read more

Finally got a go earlier - people are inevitably going to ask whether it's worth £40 like they did with Titanfall, but people buy Battlefield/CoD no problem and who reaaaaally cares about their single-player function?

It's really fun this and the 4v1 works surprisingly well. As long as they keep adding new monsters, Read more

Now playing

Best part is at 1:01:59 and ends at 1:02:27.

Combat-wise it's OK, but something about it really bugs me. I feel like it's trying and failing to do to Dark Souls what Darksiders did to Zelda — just take the core mechanics and add a meaty viking to it. Half of what I like about Dark Souls is the world building and the design and aesthetically Lord of The Fallen Read more

Ah yes... Shoulder Bash or Charge or whatever the fuck it's called. The only thing that makes Titans interesting to use in the crucible. I get probably 1/3rd of my kills using it. It can be a bit of a pain in the ass since you have to use it in an odd "only after x man seconds of running" and "only before x+y Read more

I still can't quite figure out what's going on in the Atheon fight, and this is now the second video I've seen on it. Atheon is climbing something that magically disappears after the first cycle of the fight ends? And if he falls into a pit, it's raid over? Read more

His fist: Magnet
Their Faces: Cobalt

And in the traditional Destiny's developers cat-and-mouse game with players, they will nerf the titan class melee, and put so many glitches in Atheon's fight that will make him unkillable. Read more

And people say Blade Dancer is OP, but I run into far too many titans who can just Melee all game long and shoulder charge 1 shot you every few seconds. Read more

It's not bad but it had a rocky start with crashes. It's more of an accessible Soul's game though with a more meaty, slower combat system. It's pretty but the environments feel hollow and empty to me personally and the music hasn't been too thrilling either. Read more