This is the fourth (and probably last) installment of Look Before You Leap, JumpTheory's series that began six years ago. In that time, they've managed to continue finding ways to get on every surface imaginable. Read more
No lie, that jump in the bottom gif very Mega Man-esque. That must have taken an incredibly long time to realize that if you throw those specific grenades in those spots that they will launch the cones in your desired position. Read more
I think I finally get sports.
Wow, that Battlefield shot actually IS amazing. I've never seen a SRAW come back on itself. I never knew that was possible. Cool, though. Read more
His teabagging form is so.. vigorous. I don't think the day will ever come that I see someone teabagging and don't chuckle. Even when it's my body- it always inherently leads to even more hilarity.
There are plenty of incredible trick shots in a variety of games, but I've never seen anyone kill a teabagger like…
Lucky for you!… Read more
Some passionate guys right here, I love it. I don't think I could make games in a car though, good lord that must be uncomfortable! Lol. Read more
Me and my buddy were playing Awesomenauts online and we pulled this win after we were both convinced we were gonna lose.
I love it. At first I was in it for the dev aspect, y'know, seeing how other dudes work, but it's pretty cool seeing all these devs from around the country, seeing games I wouldn't have known about otherwise, too.
And damn, quite a production! They've got cameras all over that van. It's surprisingly of a much higher… Read more
H. Jon Benjamin's Van was still cooler.