Steve Marinconz's discussions

Steve Marinconz

Thanks for the incredibly backhanded compliment. I feel so encouraged! Read more

Gah! We got excited about the clip and missed that. It still got revenge though! Read more

Honestly, I haven't been able to get into MOBAs... and yet I totally agree with you. It's not just about the announcers though, the game design is just excellent (although I still hate how everything relies on the item shop, that part is stupid). Read more

That's the idea, and we appreciate the comment! Help support it by sharing it with your friends, sending in cool clips you record or find, and liking our videos on YouTube! Read more

It's like when you hear a new language and you can not only not understand the meaning, but can't figure out where one word ends and the next begins. Read more

That's because this was recorded from a replay file. You can see where all the enemies are and where guns are pointed, where bullets hit, etc. Read more

It is indeed. As far as I know from looking at Highlight Reel submissions, the game is basically just about doing cool shit with planes. Read more

Stuff like that also happens in multiplayer games, the game looks slightly different on each player's computer, and on the server, and the code tries to compensate for all those different things. So the player who crashed might've seen his plane hit the bridge, but Deses' view needed half a second to catch up or Read more

I was referring to her video series not being science... Why would I say that science isn't science? Read more