Steve Marinconz's discussions

Steve Marinconz

Oh, sorry if that wasn't clear. I disregarded that part because I'm tired of people claiming they're being attacked or censored for disagreeing when I read hundreds of comments and don't see that actually happening. Read more

I never said disagreeing makes you racist or sexist. I specifically said using slurs. Read more

It depends on the person. There's a very long thread somewhere recently where I not only left up a dissenting opinion, but had a long conversation with him. Until I realized every comment was going to boil down to 200 words of "nuh uh you're wrong". Other times, you just calmly point something out and the other person Read more

If someone uses racial/sexist slurs, calling them racist or sexist is not a personal attack, it's an observation. Those are not words that exist just to hurt people, they're just descriptions. If you don't want to be called racist or sexist, then stop doing those things. The comments we dismiss are just baseless Read more

He didn't threaten to silence dissenters. He just reminded everyone that he's going to do what we always do — dismiss comments that are hateful and non-constructive. We all leave plenty of comments up that argue with us, it's just that most of the people who disagree with us can't seem to do so without using slurs or Read more

I'm not sure what the longer term plan is, I think they're working on new ideas or something along those lines. For now, there are basically three levels of comments. Recommended by the author (or whoever shared the post), "All replies", and "Pending", aka "the greys". Read more

That's exactly the point! Nobody is trying to police anything! The woman is just making a video talking about trends she's seen. She doesn't have the power to police anything! Read more

It's impressive that you can give the feeling of having not read my comment while referencing specific parts of it. I'm not sure how the hell you got the idea that I was saying we should do things just because they're hard. I'm not JFK, I was replying to you saying that being creative is hard as an excuse to let Read more

So then it'll be "hero lost his brother, best friend, male cousin, uncle, father, or nephew." Read more

"Just be more creative..." Easy to say. Not easy at all to DO. Read more

Except there's absolutely no way to tell legitimate threats from fake ones. And since people like the one above are going out of their way to publicly spread her personal information, anyone else could make use of that without making a public threat. It's very easy for you to say it isn't real when you don't have to Read more

Threats are the new form of saying "I disagree with what you're saying" Read more

No, it's that her series was saying "gaming culture is hostile toward women" and then a big chunk of gaming culture said "no it's not!" and proved it by threating to rape and kill her. Read more

Thanks. It's been brought up enough that I've had plenty of time to think about it :/ Read more

Hey, if you change one person's mind on this topic, that's better than getting credit. Read more

She didn't get "paid" $160k, and she isn't a journalist. People donated to support her project. She proposed a series of videos and is creating what she proposed. It's not her fault she got extra money, and she isn't obligated to change the scope of the project just because she got more (though as I recall, she is Read more

You know how if you watch an episode of Star Trek or whatever and there's a redshirt in a dangerous situation? They die and you aren't surprised at all and maybe even roll your eyes and say "ugh saw that coming a mile away". It would be nice for women to not be redshirts, so that countless stories don't start with Read more

I think the punch moves you forward a bit so he used it to get a little extra speed Read more