Steve Marinconz's discussions

Steve Marinconz

Yeah, people have been slowly uploading clips like this from the beta and sending them in to us. Read more

He's the one who called it epic. Personally, I don't use the word much. But it's a good triple kill with a new character, so it goes in the reel! Read more

Hey thanks! Don't forget Chris, it's his lovely voice you've been hearing on the videos! Read more

Well according to our comments, everything we post is underwhelming to someone. The point of that clip was how perfectly he piloted the UAV through the building. Read more

No problem! I just figured I'd explain a bit why we do what we do. Read more

That's how I started too! But something I've learned from making this series is that Read more

We do that because everyone hasn't played every game. Some people just don't like shooters, but would enjoy the highlights. Others just haven't played CS because they don't enjoy being called racial slurs by teenagers while playing games. So we put in an extra sentence to explain what's going on, and a graphic to show Read more