Sihaya's discussions


You're generalizing. I had my first child at 21. I am now 35 with 3 kids. My kids are healthy, smart and well taken care of. I have never beat them and I have never ignored them or mistreated them in any way. It has nothing to do with age and everything to do with maturity level. Read more

What? that it has excellent games? Because Style Savvy Trendsetters is an extremely fun and engaging game. I've put at least 100 hours into it since buying it. I played the previous Style Savvy game for months along with my girls. Read more

I say I game constantly, every day because as i said, i go smoke, i play games. That's gaming every day, at least to me. But, perhaps I should try to be specific in my wording for the future. I guess not everyone would consider playing bejeweled during smoke breaks gaming? Read more

Yes, there are parents that use gaming, tv etc. as a babysitter. I know people like that, everyone does. At the end of the day, it would be nice if people just used common sense in general and I'd like to think I do. Read more

that's absolutely ridiculous. cause, people have pissed me off enough for me to describe the best way to dispatch them in full detail and miraculously they are still breathing. Common Sense, seriously. Read more

and if i say "that guy pissed me off, I'm gonna kill him" Do you REALLY believe I'm going to kill him? Its called Hyperbole. Read more

and before you say "oh well you said you game all the time" Its a figure of speech. Seriously, i find it amazing how people jump all over you and use zero common sense. Read more

As i said to another person. You're really assuming a lot from my statement. I am neither addicted to gaming nor is it the only thing I do with my family. I am merely stating that you can game and have kids, the two aren't mutually exclusive. Read more

Who even suggested that I do nothing but game with my kids? We do plenty of other things besides gaming. You're assuming way too much. I'm simply pointing out that a person can have children, be a successful parent and still game. I never implied that you should do nothing with your children except game. Its not Read more

Or you could, I don't know, game WITH your children? Read more

I let his ass fall and i felt no regret. How can people say "he meant well" and excuse him? That he gave the bandits supplies...maybe he meant well. But when Lilly discovered supplies missing and he didn't speak up? That made him a bad guy. His actions led to 3 people dying. Read more

according to steam I've bought over 50 items during the sale, that includes games and DLC. Read more

Steam Calculator kinda scares me, says I have over $6,000 in games Read more

"Soon people will be forced to work on Christmas Day as well" Read more

I love that video and song. Makes me laugh every time...."there is no batman-stache" Read more

the only downside of the e-shop is that DSiware saves to the system memory instead of the SD card. I filled up my 3DS after 2 weeks of owning it and had to delete games in order to play others. Read more

There's already a rod that turns people into random things in the game without mods, Wabbajack. Read more

Seriously? He ignores his wife for a virtual world and has a porn addiction and its somehow her fault? Read more

You don't hear of Asian parents committing child abuse because they don't. Don't think that my ex-husband is the only Asian person I have ever known. You're merely perpetuating an incorrect stereotype and a very ignorant one. Read more