I hated 4 because first of all, it was a missed opportunity. No one wanted a new character, we wanted more info on the established ones. Vergil, Sparda, both, those were the stories that needed exploring. How did Sparda seal the demon world, how did he fall in love with a mortal woman, what happened to him. What… Read more
I played 1,2,3 and 4 in that order. I hated 4. Yes, 2 was a bit on the easy side which made it a little boring and the chick was an eyesore but overall it wasn't so bad. Loved Dante's look in it too. Also, it was nice that he shut up a little. Id rather replay 2 than 4 and I have zero interest in this horrid reboot… Read more
I totally second this. I loved the Honest Hearts DLC because Graham was so interesting, wish they had added more story and more chances to talk with him. Great character. Also, I don't think any other character in the Fallout Universe could survive being covered in pitch, set on fire and chucked off the Grand Canyon. Read more
If Dark Souls had an easy mode, I would buy it and play it. I have no desire to endure the same section of a game for hours until i memorize it in order to get past it. My ex-husband bought me Demon's Souls and after 2 hours of cheap deaths in the same damn section I said "screw this" chucked it aside and played… Read more