Ladi's discussions


It's a little annoying that they released the prep patch so early - killed people pugging ICC 25 as they'd rather do well in ICC10. Read more

Objectively speaking, FF7 was/is a massively influential game in game development, with its decisive shift towards cinematic presentation and exposition-heavy storytelling. Read more

@symphonycometh: 12 is bar none the worst FF to replay - it's ages before you even get gambits, let alone the massive list you had before. Read more

I think you mean the fourth wall? But yes, Easter eggs are awesome. Read more

@Arnheim: X is my favourite by a significant margin, with 4-9 lumped unceremoniously in the middle. Read more

@Arnheim: Haha, sorry to do this to you but yeah, I'm a "Meh". It's a shame you can't search posts efficiently on this site; you'd be able to see my gradual transition from apologist to disgruntled fan. Read more

@Troubadour: A story working on the imagery from Lupe Fiasco's "Put you on Game"... which makes it sound kinda terrible, but I've been kicking the idea around for probably half a year now. Read more

@Troubadour: Haha, thanks. Haven't written in a while, but going to give NaNoWriMo a shot this year. Should be fun! Read more

@arionfrost: FF13 is not a movie with QTEs. It also didn't have random encounters. Read more

@Batman: I live in Europe, so basically every less known RPG ever made. Read more

@Metal Keir Solid: I find it pretty weird that people are able to quantify exactly how much enjoyment they get out of a game! Read more

Smart move; if FFXIII's any indication, it'll increase sales by 25-33%. Read more

@lonewanderer: The only thing I got from BC was the fanboy squee at seeing Illidan. The Eredar retcon annoyed me, as did blood elves to a lesser extent (Horde seem to be made up almost entirely of "alliances of convenience"). Read more

@lonewanderer: I'd say BC's is worse. First off, it's less focused - it introduces the new races, sure, but then does a bunch of random shit. Read more