Everyone with HG/SS, don't forget to hit up the Nintendo WFC for your very own Mew!
@ElephantFace: It's a shame that more of the levels aren't set out like the first, with multiple shortcuts throughout. Read more
@WhiteAlexander: Yeah, the counter cheevos (god I love that word) are messed up. You should get them all retroactively upon acquiring the Kerrigan portrait though. Read more
@Static Jak: The only character in 13 who was an immediate hit for me was Fang, and you don't meet her til Chapter 9, so... (And Sazh, but I'm black so I'm biased.) Read more
@InAnimateAlpha: I found that I was motivated to get it because you get some pretty cool themes for doing so. Read more
@Shinhideaki: I wouldn't call the extra depth an illusion; while at max level you might run into cookie cutter builds (which will vary on your playstyle at any rate), until then you're going to be unlocking runes and talents and experimenting. Read more
@Tastynoodles: So far all of the US releases on wifi have also been available in Europe, so I'd imagine so. Read more
@MyNameIsNobody: I do agree that Monk is a lot worse than Prince early game due to TP cost (though they have far better offensive options, perversely :P). Read more
@Diamond Sea: Farmers are massively useful - my entire B team is 5 farmers, and on my first playthrough I actually subbed my hoplite as one for their useful "no damage on terrain" thing. Read more
@Diamond Sea: Dark Ether lets one row of allies use their abilities for no TP that round only. Read more
@GerudoThief: I've heard that this one you have a bit of an easier time overall, particularly with levelling not being a colossal chore later on, with FOEs giving exp and a less punishing curve. Read more