Gergo Vas's saved articles

Gergo Vas

Here is a man I could pledge my heart to. Read more

Recently cracked and decided to try the mobile HD updated version on my android device.

I was expecting to absolutely hate the washed out colors but... it actually looks really good on my mobile screen. Maybe it has to do with the contrast or playing with lots of lights around me or something, but while on PC it looks Read more

Are these rocks hollow?

Just looked at his portfolio, I want all of it. This is dangerous. Read more

It should be noted that what you have here is the second of (what will be) three FF6 frescoes, hence why it seems to omit a lot of stuff from the game. This is the first one.

I love Orioto's stuff — I have this Link's Awakening-inspired print of his framed on my wall right now. Scroll through the Tumblr and you'll see a lot of excellent art.

I remember them all!!! IMHO the best FF game ever made......... Keifka & the emperor at the goddess statues, Terra turning into an Esper, and freaking out, Strago & the towns ppl revealing their magic powers by trying to put out the house fire, Relm sketching Uncle Ulty.........Shall I go on? Read more

If you don't have a picture of

I miss good non 3D Castlevania... Read more


I teach 9th grade World History, and we play Diplomacy as a class. I always set up one game with the 7 cattiest, snarkiest girls and let them fight to see who the best Cersei Lannister is. Read more

Wow... do yourself a favor and never play Diplomacy. That game creates blood feuds. Read more

I nominate Monopoly for games that should be avoided at all costs. Never have I seen a game that causes such divisiveness. House rules from different houses that argue vehemently, letting money slide a turn or two for rent, the fist fights that occur over such stupidity. Read more

Titanic game sounds fun if it took place on a fictional ship. Read more

...and the game didnt even start yet. What could she be so upset about? Read more

I must go. My planet needs me.