I had no love for EVE while playing it briefly, but I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of reading up on the craziness that goes on. Read more
Landstalker for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive was a pretty good isometric ARPG back in the day, and Solstice for the NES, while more of an isometric puzzle RPG, was also okay...Hard as balls, though:
I liked sacred 2. ITs not as polished, but once i understood how the skill system worked. Plus it scratched that itch at that time, me and a friend played through it over and over. Read more
Wow Nox! I remember buying that game in a bargain bin for like 5$ in a store that doesn’t exist anymore. I really though it would be bad but I still got it and damn I loved it!
and now after all these years you tell me that the story is different for the 3 classes!? Need to go back and play it again! I only did the… Read more
I’d like to have an aRPG to play on my console so I can use a controller, slouch on the coach and play with my friends who don’t have PCs to play games on instead of being at a desk using KBM.
I have Diablo 3 for when I want to play a game with KBM. If Diablo 3 could get account sharing between PC and console I’d do… Read more
I remember as a big Diablo 2 fan renting Sacred 2 on the ps3, man was I disappointed. I don’t know what it was about it, if it was the bugs, that it just didn’t play right on consoles, or maybe it actually wasn’t that good, but something just felt off about sacred 2, it just wasn’t my cup of tea. Read more
Great list, thanks for this! Couple I had not heard of I’ll try right away! The original Torchlight is worth an honorable mention as well, especially if you like Torchlight 2. IMO Titan Quest was an amazing game. If you want a more arcade’y experience, take a look at Crimson Alliance (2013 XBLA). It’s a much more… Read more
I wish Marvel Heros would make it to consoles already. I’d play it then. When I’m at my PC I have Diablo 3 to play and MH looks like it would play really well on consoles. I know D3 is there already but I don’t want to play that game on two different accounts.
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I still have a few haunted mementos, one of which has been in the first slot of my main’s backpack since the pre-LK event. Every once in a while when I’m playing and want some cash, I try and sell the others, but so far no dice. Read more
Usually, a WoW list will make me think back to the good old days, but this one thankfully reaffirms my departure. I wasted untold hours hunting half of these items, and the worst was that I killed Poseidus just two days before they added the mount to his loot table. Read more
when i quit almost 10 years ago i had Time-Lost(even got him for a couple of friends), Dirge recipe, Murloc Suit, Celestial Dragon (beforethe whole pokemon bit) and the list goes on. Read more