Anita has been accused of faking these threats and not actually making police reports before. The actual people who accused her of it found out themselves that not only was she telling the truth, she was also dealing with the FBI. Read more
Anita has been accused of faking these threats and not actually making police reports before. The actual people who accused her of it found out themselves that not only was she telling the truth, she was also dealing with the FBI. Read more
Really? Did no one care then? Because it seems we wrote about that exact event more than once, along with others. Read more
Japan has plenty of made-in-China products that are sold exclusively in Japan. even on the packaging it states: prohibited for resale outside of Japan. i used to own a toy shop that sells a lot of these grey market Japanese toys with these kinds of labels on it. the wholesalers and distributors in Japan have no… Read more
There's a scene in The Godfather that really resonates with me — not because I relate to it, but because I do not.…
yes sir. what i read on their forums for it, and the ones on facebook, is that essentilly, as long as they dont literally CLONE every aspect of one piece, and instead use gameplay mechanics derived from the engine they use (sorry, i dont remember the name off hand) they can use the characters images, and names, with… Read more
Chibi Miku survives by feeding on children.
Finally makes sense... Grimace is really just an obese Draenei. Read more
While everyone assumes that the PS4 is the far away winner of this console generation in terms of sales, I actually think China may have the chance to turn it towards Microsoft, if Microsoft does a few things right. Read more
the one in Changzhou called Joyland? yeah... i know some of the people who have had a hand in that project (not the design, but city officials who gave the project the go, and are middle aged farts who have no idea what they're copying). i've chewed their ear off on that (shit about how western media has caught… Read more
"The three official criteria are promoting gambling, promoting drugs, and portraying China in a bad light."
Gambling, check (well, some mini games, probably depictions of it)
Drugs, check (won't even bother listing how much they are included in GTA)
Portraying China in a bad light, check (Triads!)
And that was just for… Read more
If any version of Doraemon wold be causing havoc in the world, it would be this one ^
You can count me in. I'll gladly subject myself to Hello Kitty-ojousama. Read more