Ah! Adding it. Now. have you played the english version? What do you think of the game?
***actually give me a bit. looking into FunPlus, the company that put out the English one. I don't see any connection to lilith games despite using artwork from the Chinese original on Facebook. Read more
Region locking hasn't exactly been a thing China really pushes. They kind of nudge companies into it on their own, think self censorship. I think they're "irked" because some people were being assholes about it.
China's finding itself in a precarious position with its young people. Some are super western, some are… Read more
A meme within a meme?! Meme-Ception!
Velops is right! Threes is damn good. I play it for hours when I'm at the bank or at the hospital. Like The Walking Dead, Pokemon etc are long session games but Threes is one of those short bursts that turn into hours kind of game, think Bejeweled. It's definitely a must have for a mobile device! Read more
No love for Pokemon?
China's not as orwellian as most people think. Going back to the iPhone example, if you've got an iPhone with an US account, you can play US iPhone games.
If the spread isn't big, like no one's buying 10,000 copies of GTA from Hong Kong, chances are the govt won't give a crap. Also since gaming consoles are for… Read more