Eric Jou's discussions

Eric Jou

I agree. More sales may equal more gamers, more gamers may mean more potential friends to play games with! Read more

Really?! I was expecting no one to show up since gamers who wanted one could've gotten an import for cheaper and a year ago! Read more

Werd...except they'll be in a community segregated from the rest, at least that's what's been indicated in China so far. Think WoW in China. Read more

The guy in the black is a world famous LOL player! his powers will probably be kicking butt in League! Read more

my bad T-T but seriously, it was shocking to me. i was expecting something along the lines of what happened in Japan. Not because Sony was so dominant in the market (PS4 isn't official yet) but rather that there were people lining up consoles. Read more

Could be that you're expecting Xbox hate? I think the headline is apt. If this was PlayStation, I'd probably write the same.

Wii U would be a different factor due to the nostalgia involved.

There is, in no way an Anti-Xbox mentality. Rather I'm shocked and surprised that people lined up for a console in China. MS has Read more

The reason why I was surprised was because, people who wanted the Xbox or PlayStation, for the most part already purchased one via the gray market. i wasn't expecting this many people to line up since "hardcore" gamers already know that Chinese models would be region locked and censored, where as import systems can Read more

Werd I agree, this is nice to see the world of gaming expanding! Read more

are you using Speech to Text? Your diction must be amazing! Read more

Well, it depends. China F***'s with the games developed and created for the Chinese market, but if it's going to subvert foreign countries then it's fine. Read more

The Chinese linux thingy, when it's out, I'll do something on it. On that looks pretty bad. Since 99% of what the Chinese government uses runs off Windows and DoS, the Linux operating system will be very similar to Windows, like nearly a double. Read more

HAHAAHAHAHA? I can see it too! except this is a screenshot from the US intro of Doraemon! Read more

America must rise up against the Japanese invasion!!! Read more

maybe in terms of animation? I mean, China did create gunpowder, the Great Wall, papermaking? The toothbrush? Read more

They are evil!!! look at their tails! XD Read more

or if the Democrats had full control of the US. When one party has full control, they may or may not quell the other voice. be glad that despite the major faults of the US and Europe and etc, people have the right to voice their complaints. Read more