Really?? Which formal hotel ranking organisation provides the 7 star distinction? I thought the main organization that does this goes up to 7 but normally cuts off at 5 because once you're at 5, your superior. Since that was the cut off, the publications started running with 1-5 which is why most if not all are ranked… Read more
Okay - yeah, I read that too, the part about Paramount promising this and that, such as allowing them to make merch, featuring the buildings in marketing material etc. But that's unconfirmed, Idk where it started from. Hollywood Reporter (the guys the best at this) and Chinese media so far don't know what the terms of… Read more
meh, I guess it was poorly worded. It's more or less it'll look incredibly weird for that part to be empty and without anything. Plus in the regard of putting robots in, they film a location first then add the CG element over it. Wouldn't removing something there ruin the "realistic backdrop approach"? You know like,… Read more
The higher resolution photos came from a Chinese news site. the original photos were uploaded by a user to the social media site weibo. Chinese sites tend to unscrupulous with their attribution so they scrub it out. =[ hence why i said photos from xxxxxx originally posted on weibo Read more