Xian and Beijing, you'll definitely need a mask. Shanghai is a maybe and Hong Kong is almost mask free.
Xian and Beijing are totally polluted - though it's on and off. IF you want something I have, if your state side you can get a 3M one from Home Depot but you'll need to buy refill cartridge filters. The whole package… Read more
It's not just western countries outsourcing their problems. Beijing/Shanghai/Guangzhou/Shenzhen aren't developing cities anymore compared to the other parts of China. These cities are world class cities if not completely modern, they would for the most part fall under developed. The Chinese record for environmental… Read more
Obligatory post as Kotaku's China guy T-T
Oh of course. The protests in Taiwan won't really do anything in the long scope of things. I'd post on my take on issues but unfortunately I'm totally biased and pro-Taiwan/Student.
My family in Taiwan is very "Blue" but at the same time we're not of the faction that supports Ma, in fact Ma is the DxxxL.
Btw- aren't… Read more
Haha. Once I get the pork, I'll break out the frying pan! hahaha.
I'm totally for bioengineered foods, the only problem with it is that at this stage it isn't completely safe. They need to fix all the little bugs with it. It should be fine in a few years =], I'm looking for organically grown beef flavored tofu from Soy… Read more
I would be inclined to agree, and on a philosophical level, i do.
However, I really enjoy eating meat. I'm one of those people that will eat anything. If an animal must give it's life for me to eat (for and not for sustenance,) I will appreciate it by not wasting.
On that note, the pigs here, I'm told are raised in an… Read more
well...Pork/pig meat could be ham, bacon etc. and technically smoked meats are good to eat. Read more