Call BS, but Guangzhou isn't the only city in South China. Ditto for Guangdong as well.
Bugs are a big part of rural cuisine in South China. South China is huge. Did you know that it's common in Yunnan Province to eat bugs? As to this not showing up in Guangzhou. Read more
Definitely. Diao Si 4 Life yo! The term doesn't even really make sense! Well if you look at it objectively. If you look at it in slang/coarse language, then it does make sense. Read more
People say I speak fluent mandarin, so using myself as a judging stick, I tend to give people more credit, not saying that it's not due of course. I'd say he's got a thick accent in his mandarin, but then again so do the people in Henan. Read more
These turtles aren't hard to come by in China! The illegal turtle trade is ridiculously open in China. You can buy a hatchling for about $1.80! Read more
If People's Daily's going to publish anything, then it's already been discussed internally.
While People's Daily has, as you pointed out, no real political power, it is the mouth piece of the government. When the government wants to show a point, they use the People's Daily. Read more
I mean, that's pretty much what the media's saying now isn't it? That millenials and the like are flocking away from Facebook to new social media outlets.
Personally...that's too much social media for me. Read more
I don't know...Building's been around for two years. It's won international awards too. I'll take your bet and say that it stays the same for another 5 years. Read more