Eric Jou's discussions

Eric Jou

Will update to fix, the original news that i had was 20 minutes. 20 levels sounds much more reasonable! thanks. Read more

They also want less sex in games but this covers overall.

Technically sex in games in China is a no no and results in games being out right banned. Porn is technically banned in China Read more

This pod would make a great addition to the Gundam PoD's! Read more

Any time! Young people should have all the positive support and encouragement they can get.

(Not talking about praise and giving them false hope etc but rather promoting hard work and personal development)

I'm sure they'll do awesome. Even if it's not a game thing, i'd be interesting in seeing it! Can share it on Read more

you can do it! I have faith. If you guys do it to video game music, let us know! Read more

iQue is a separate company. Though it is often called the Nintendo of China since it's a Nintendo JV. It deals mostly almost solely in Nintendo hardware and products.

You are correct that Nintendo is the only legit console maker in China, via iQue. Read more

i thought they already had one on the third? Oh well, I haven't been to the Bay Area in years. Hope it's a good celebration! Read more

hahaha and a mighty 恭喜發財 萬事如意 to you too and all Kotaku readers! Read more

is it worth getting? Will you play with me? Read more

....Maybe if they're like flat triangular things! He can slide them through his grill. But if you recall that ridiculous moment when we see his face beneath the helmet, he's got a breathing thingy apparatus where his chin and lower jaw are. I'm sure that thingy impedes proper eating in some way. Read more

It is different in every year because lunar cycles are shorter than the solar cylce. Ont top of that every place sets a different amount of time off. Mainland China is the only place time off is set in stone in China (well there is some flexibility). It's a big deal every year when the government puts out the days of Read more

The date is different every year. The 31st is the new years eve and it lasts for about 8-10 days. Officially in China everyone is supposed to get an 8 day holiday. Most people goto work on the 5th day of Chinese New Year. Read more

whoa really? Details please!

Cause when I was there, there were customers coming in and out. And from talking to other vendors down the line, they weren't very happy with their businesses. The main game shops were still making money but they're saying that they've had to transition further into selling hardware such as Read more

yeah, it's a bad deal. Though, it' not one that i see going away. Read more

no, not at all. I respect his service and commitment, just reverence for the troops back home is a bit higher.

I also hope he's safe if he's not with the US. Despite not knowing first hand, war and violence isn't very pretty and it's one of the worst things we can wish on people. Read more

Those guys showed up after I finished my interview. The military people worked the convention in shifts. I wasn't able to take a photo of them as they were swamped by people. Read more

Quick question...which army are you in?

If it's the US Army, I appreciate your time and sacrifice for our country! Thank you and stay safe.

On that note, yeah, I agree with the statement about video games being linked to the army being tenuous. Though I do believe that there are other fields in the military that aren't Read more

The machine gun's actually real! hahaha. Read more