Cameron Gidari's saved articles

Cameron Gidari

It does in fact say that. Since I know what I'm looking for, if I blur/adjust my vision I can make out just enough of it to confirm it...sigh and here I was thinking I saw "40". Read more

I had a friend who was red-green colorblind, I never really pressed with the silly questions, but I always wondered what I looked like to him with my red hair, probably plain and boring like everyone else XD

Anyway really interesting article. I know we can never see EXACTLY the same way as a colorblind person, but it Read more


I took that test and was thinking the whole time "this is hard...." then I hit submit and got this. So I can only imagine what its like for you to look at that Read more

This test tells you how well you see color. 0 is perfect, my wife got a 2, I got 183. Read more

The biggest obstacle for playing games with my red/green colorblindness was trying to tell what color my game boy battery light was as a kid. The green/yellow/red lights all looked about the same shade of yellow. Read more

What I have is actually much more common. Your eyes have three groups of cells shaped like cones that are responsible for seeing color. If you can see colors properly it means that all three cones are working the way they should, and you're called a trichromat. But people like me have at least one faulty cone, and Read more

I don't think it's fair to cite stats like that in the absence of evidence in this instance of what did or didn't happen. I assume Temkin is innocent until proven guilty, as I hope everyone else does. Read more

No it's absolutely not. At least in the context you are using. We don't convict on probability and we shouldn't in the public view either. Read more

This is complete bullshit. If he didn't rape someone, he should absolutely defend himself. People are raped and it's horrible, but people are also falsely accused and that's also an injustice. These things come down to pure "he said, she said" and that's what makes them so difficult, but an innocent person Read more

A "blended model" I've found that works well is that I pay for all of my utilities (including internet, Hulu, Netflix, etc.) on an Amex Card that automatically pays in full at the end of the month. That payment gets made from a checking account titled "utilities" that has a set amount going into it every month (my Read more

Pretty sure titles shouldn't have grammatical errors in the first word. Also, having watched Matt Dodge work for a year, I can tell you good punters have PLENTY of value. Read more

it's almost like you don't know world history or something. Humans are not peaceful creatures, go read a book. Read more


Never forget that these men and women do a job so that you don't have to worry that your teenager will get kidnapped and murdered walking home from school. Read more

Some employers require a good credit score. They view it as a sign that you are reliable enough to employ. So you can't completely ignore your credit score. Read more

Hernandez 6/17/13 (11:35:01 P.M.): I think I messed up bad, coach. What do I say when the media starts asking the tough questions? Read more

Not sure if you heard, but they drafted Wiggin's #1, and he's kind of good, with a little upside. If they won 33 games last year without LBJ and Wiggin's, even if they stay pat right now, I'm guessing they win 50+ easily.

If they get Kevin Love, your statement looks even dumber. Read more