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Astro Boy: Edge Of Time Reimagines Anime Classics

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Based on the extensive work of beloved manga creator Osamu Tezuka, Astro Boy: Edge of Time is a digital collectible card game that sees classic characters reimagined for the modern age.

Osamu Tezuka is considered by some to be the Walt Disney of Japan, having created some of the most beloved characters in manga history. Astro Boy: Edge of Time, launched on Kickstarter today via a partnership between Active Gaming Media and Tezuka Productions, takes characters from Astro Boy, Black Jack, Phoenix and all corners of Osamu Tezuka’s extensive legacy and places them in the hands of some of today’s most exciting Japanese artists.

From the Kickstarter description:

In partnership with his son Makoto Tezuka, we celebrate Osamu Tezuka, not just for his incredible art and the sheer volume of work that he produced throughout his life, but also for the incredible breadth of genres he covered. From horror, to action, to children’s stories, people from every walk of life found something to love in Tezuka’s vast library of creations.


The game takes place in a city floating outside of time and space called The Sprawl. Nearly all of existence has been wiped out, the survivors carrying on despite attacks from the demon king Goa. Players are special heros capable of summoning light constructs to participate in card-based battles.


As for Astro Boy himself, he’s currently missing, but given the name of the game I’m sure he’ll show up.


A card game might not be the most action-packed vehicle for these characters, but I can’t think of a better way to showcase the gorgeous art that’s being created for Astro Boy: Edge of Time.

Astro Boy: Edge of Time is in development for PC and mobile devices, with a targeted release date of early 2017. The Kickstarter is seeking $50,000, which doesn’t seem like a whole lot in the grand scheme of things.


With the likes of Suda51 and Cyberconnect 2 CEO and director Hiroshi Matsuyama working on designs, I would have settled for an art book (which is one of the backer rewards), but card game works too.