Assassin's Creed Lineage, the live-action companion series to the second game, was pretty damn good. Recognizing that, last year, Ubisoft released a live-action trailer for ACIII. And now, they've got one for the newest entry in their free-roaming neck-stabbing series. How is it? Let's take a look.
It's dark, evidently. I mean, you can't really expect sunshine and rainbows when your opening shot shows a floating corpse. Then again, no surprises there, considering...
The one for Assassin's Creed III was just as dark. Though here, it's more about the horrors of war as opposed to, well, pirates. Note the four-letter thematic word: "Rise,"compared to ACIV's "Defy."
Lineage, which accompanied Assassin's Creed II, had its bright(er) moments. But then again, it was a complete series, not a two-minute trailer. Thirty minutes' worth of total depression might not necessarily keep your audience watching.
Got a favorite? Which word do you think the fifth game's trailer will be based on? Chime in below.
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