Somehow, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is about to get a whole lot bigger. The Siege of Paris, a new expansion for Ubisoft’s viking-themed historical murder sim, will be out this summer. Ubisoft revealed the news at its E3 presser today. As expected, there’s a siege. And also Paris.
This is the second major expansion for Valhalla following last month’s Wrath of the Druids campaign, which sent Eivor to Ireland. Both are available at no extra cost to those who picked up Valhalla’s season pass.
Zack Zweizen, Kotaku’s in-house Assassin’s Creed scholar, described Wrath of the Druids as solid but somewhat lonely. Whereas Valhalla’s vanilla game was brimming with unforgettable characters—like Axehead, some dude from baseball, and an NPC who could only be considered as a play on One Punch Man—Wrath of the Druids offered few, if any, that left a lasting impression. Considering that the whole first expansion centered around a malevolent cult, it felt like somewhat of a missed opportunity. Good gameplay, though.
Siege of Paris will send Eivor to a ninth-century version of Paris. As with so many of these things, Ubisoft says it’s rooted in actual recorded history and that you’ll run into “key historical figures.” Hopefully they’re more interesting than those who showed up in Wrath of the Druids. Of course, over the centuries, Paris has weathered more sieges than Helm’s Deep. So just to be crystal clear, this expansion will take place during the notorious viking raids of the mid-9th century.
Look, as long as players don’t have to sail up and down (and up and down) the Seine in pursuit of random loot drops that aren’t even that good in the first place, I’ll be happy.
Ubisoft said that, after The Siege of Paris comes out, Valhalla will continue receiving support into its second year in the form of updates and “more expansions.” A Valhalla Discovery Tour—basically, a low-stress mode that allows you to explore the history of the region—is scheduled for the fall. Oh yeah, and one-handed swords are coming soonest. Here’s a trailer showing off all the new stuff: