Animal Well, Shared Memory’s excellent metroidvania, is a natural conversation starter, thanks in no small part to its “layers” of progression. The term at least partially stems from this list of tips from the game’s developer Billy Basso, in which Basso discloses that “Animal Well is designed with three different layers.” Layers that lay over one another, revealing themselves as you play and your perspective grows. Confused? We’ve got you.
What are Animal Well’s three layers?
Animal Well’s three layers refer to three specific goals that you can chase sequentially. The first layer of Animal Well is a straightforward journey that involves collecting the four Flames listed on your map and descending into a distinct final area, and played on its own will offer a very satisfying experience. The second layer involves continuing on, uncovering roughly 99% of the game’s map, hunting down collectibles and uncovering secret areas with new bosses, items, and more. The third layer of Animal Well is designed for hardcore puzzle solvers, featuring yet another set of collectibles that require exploiting the game’s mechanics and cross-referencing information with other players.
For trophy and achievement hunters, know that you only need to complete layer two to technically achieve 100% completion. Layer three is reserved for those who are determined to see everything in the game, and don’t mind looking up guides or community resources to help out. That said, can you figure out which layer you’re on in Animal Well? And moreover, why do some players refer to a “fourth layer” when Basso himself says there are only three? We’ll dive into those topics below.