Along with the expected Turkey Day and Toy Day seasonal celebrations, the free winter update for Animal Crossing: New Horizons, launching November 19, adds 800 more slots of home storage, a bunch of new emotes and hairstyles, and the long-awaited ability to transfer save data between systems.
Why celebrate Thanksgiving by traveling and risking getting infected by your extended family when you can curl up on the couch with your Nintendo Switch and help a turkey named Franklin cook a virtual feast? That’s a question I ask myself every year, but this year it makes much more sense.

Franklin’s celebratory feast is the Thanksgiving portion of New Horizon’s winter update. For the Christmas section, see December’s Toy Day event, in which players can help deliver presents from Santa.

Me, I’m more excited about the Hip Reaction Collection and Top 6 Stylish Hairstyles items redeemable via Nook Miles at the ATM. The reaction pack includes the ability to sit your polygon ass down on the ground, which is something I forgot I needed.

The hairstyle pack is even more exciting. It’s got cornrows, a big puffy afro, an undercut, and some lovely floofy hair. More importantly, it has this:

Finally, I can be bald! This and a beard and I can be the creepiest Animal Crossing villager ever.
The update also includes an increase to home storage from 1,600 to 2,400, to which my spouse, an accomplished hoarder, said, “Thank god.”
And then we have save data transfers, something players have been clamoring for since before the game launched, back when we were told that ability would be added later. Welp, it’s finally later. Find out more about moving single players or entire islands to new Switch consoles at Nintendo’s support page.