, still bursting with self-promotion from what it called its best holiday shopping season ever, has revealed its "Best Of" products from 2008. In the video game category, it was all Wii, all the time.
How did Amazon decide what was the "best" of the past year? It let its customers decide, breaking down the accolades into "bestselling, most positively reviewed, most-wished-for and favorite gift products," all of which sounds pretty self-explanatory to anyone who's ever shopped with the online retailer.
Here are your Wii retail winners.
• Best Selling Product In Video Games: Nintendo Wii
• Most Love Product In Video Games: Wii Fit
• Most Wished-For Product in Video Games: Wii Fit
• Most Popular Gift Product in Video Games: Mario Kart Wii with Wii Wheel
Shockingly, the Amazon Kindle digital book reader also scored tons of "Best Of" kudos. For those rooting for the Groom Mate Platinum XL nose and ear hair trimmer, you'll be pleased to know it walked away with the Health & Personal Care bestseller award. Suck it, Panasonic!