The formerly Japan-only downloadable DS game that wowed us with its tricky no-glasses-needed 3D graphics appears to be set for a May 17.
The game, known as 3D Hidden Picture in Japan, will be called Looksley's Line Up, and you can see for yourself if the footage above matches the brand-new DSiWare date and description issued by Nintendo today.
Looksley's Line Up (Nintendo DSiWare, May 17): In this unique take on hidden picture games, Looksley the rabbit needs your help to find inspiring objects so he can finish the story he's writing. The objects are hidden in 3-D dioramas made up of cutout layers that shift as you move the Nintendo DSi system. Unique Nintendo DSi camera-based controls let you peer deep into the game's scenes and hunt for hidden objects just by moving the Nintendo DSi.
During the recent flurry of news about Nintendo's upcoming no-glasses-needed 3DS portable system, many Kotaku readers speculated that this game was actually a prototype for the next Nintendo system. Maybe it is an exploration of techniques used in the future. Or maybe it's just a cool thing for now. After all, if this kind of 3D can be done on a Nintendo DSi, then what would we need a 3DS for?